Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Has Denise Milani Pose Topless

The beast is still moving ...

From Quimper to Bourg-en-Breisgau, thousands of aficionados or di or da, this blog really scriptural and super pensitif, literally stormed my mailbox, a Spamming of hell, claiming to hoot at dia, which the narration of the events, which announced the arrival too long for the "testing of common objects of everyday life", who claims in good and due form issued by the bailiff of xxx, who commented on the full catalog discography by Gunter Hampel, that the introduction of a large folder for an application to some literary distinction that I will not name, issued by a certain town in Scandinavia I ensure anonymity, noted that the systematic errors in the countless lists Scarufi Piero, who requests letters of recommendation to the Department free time, and other expressions of sympathy.

I have not been able to answer everyone, but everyone, I want to say thank you. Especially for the many photos of naked very suggestive and my faith in good taste.

my pc tower is now officially dead, I type these words on my old laptop to seven years of age, fed by a dynamo driven by a cardan spectrometer pole magnetization. To be honest, I do not even know how I came to my blog. Luck certainly a hint of patience, and - of course - the Overall quality standards of the gimbal (this is 1932, should be said, and for those who know a little, it's almost an insult to state that it is the year where we made the best of the world gimbals . In Sussex, near East Grinstead. After that, it never was it more ...).

time to reload the page, I come back, do not move. Because, is not it, I have plenty to say. I may add, ignoring for a faith that natural humility that sometimes borders fading, lots of interesting things to say.

A sprig.

jerzy P.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Purpose Of The International Colour Chart

Maisonettes for weekend house for the garden

In the vast selection of manufactured homes are also found naturally camping cabins, used a lot in the weekend or major holidays.

The houses are weekend for a higher quality if built of wood, wood is a highly insulating material, and he has also treated by methods that make it very resistant to heat and cold, and is used by an external permeating that isolate it from moisture and the house is ready ê you used to come .

In a house there all that you need to spend a lovely stay, rooms, kitchen, dining room, bath, like a real home, and you would not want to go home !

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Letter For Telephone Line Disconnection

Moon (Duncan Jones, 2009)

A pleasant surprise, which was almost unanimously. SF film on a budget.

We emphasized minimalism and modesty. It is elegant, it plays in its limitations and constraints, including tributes, it exploits them with enough intelligence and sensitivity to release several layers of understanding, leaving the viewer free to find what makes sense for him. It is above all an intimate film.
Echoes of 2001, Solaris, Blade Runner, and many others are called - can not be avoided, so as to integrate them - but to move to other issues, smaller again.

The usual figures are gently subverted: one leaves the usual question of "transcendence" and his nostalgia (melancholy of the droid or clone not be human in Blade R; schizoidism computer by serving a possibility "beyond" its programming in 2001, etc.) .

Here, the clone is immediately saw what he believed himself to be: a mere mortal, worked by memories, projects, desires (Implanted or not, it matters little end), subject to depression, haunted by loneliness, illness and death - and wanting to escape at all costs.
On the other hand, the computer is no longer an obstacle threatening. Programmed in the limit, to attend the clone that he "knows" finite, fragile - as a machine of flesh and blood, he participated in the drama of the objective revelation of this finitude aggravated or multiplied by 2: in addition to its concerns mortal, astronaut Sam attendant to extract helium 3 on a lunar station, is concerned to discover that these very real concerns do not belong to the same not.

Neutral, the computer no longer overhanging: neither friend nor foe, he sought the best solution to ensure that Sam alive. Therefore it is not shocking that the clone maintains relations with him beyond the human lure of expected "anthropomorphism" of the machine. This is not because it is sublimated and idealized, it is simply that both "communicate" within the limits of their own, meeting so indirectly: the computer is objectively the mirror of the limit of what he intended to attend.

Beau diversion, thus, imaging Traditional, in SF, the "matrix" omnipotent (in Alien, or intoxicated by the "divine" and anguished by his own mortality, as in 2001).
the same logic, discrete exceeded the traditional duality in this kind of story, between "man" and "clone". Clone no longer aspires to be a man, to know the "secret" of mortality that "crowd", as in blade runner, or to some extent the child-robot who wants AI be a "real boy" as his mother could love. It is already "man", so what he wants, it's just "not dying" If possible, do not be crushed by the "machine" of the company once his contract expires in three years ("Wake up, Gepeto" said his twin). Or leave, come back "at home". Even if he never had a "home". And that both Sam discover: its / their wives, his / their daughter do not exist "for him / them." They are not original on Sun, which he watches over his daughter.

Sam the most "dashing", the least damaged, simply because he was activated later, and goes to another form of death, ultimately, "freedom to his death", more permanent . We find a vague scent of the finale of THX Lucas, when Duval rises to the surface.
The end, as allusive qu'expédiée (too fast, say some), we suggest the two possibilities of his "future", through the press radio: the information it will take to heart before revealing that his time the program has expired will pass either a fool or to an "undocumented immigrant". In both cases, this should be locked up.

The film invites a somewhat melancholy meditation on the relationship of self to its finitude, as well as mortality than limit (meaning "Kantian") of what is allowed to know.
The theme of the double, without much "fuss" metaphysics, seems to be naturally generated by the different voltages or phases that would play in a single solitary individual, between the discovery of his finitude, his rebellion, his resignation, its acceptance, affirming its vital power in mimetic rivalry, despite his desire to surpass all its dual-finiteness "of escape," without being assured that this desire is not the ultimate lure, he is not already crushed from all sources by a dummy in a closed world, not out: the simulacrum that produced it, from A to Z.

I saw a political dimension discrete. In the dialogue of late, especially with the computer, a dialogue which has all of a cliche, but cliche is another resonance. " We are not programming weekends Are People" he tells the machine how to talk to himself as much as the computer: we meet good people as models, interchangeable tools men- , machine tools, tasks and roles that the system we have assigned. We have been conditioned to believe that it was our only horizon, to the point of take pride idiot (which is continually whispered by propaganda and sickly sweet spots unanimist, registered in the utilitarianism of an eco-soft totalitarianism: to sacrifice for the survival of the body-planet), but in ourselves, something sick and tired body that resists being a disposable cog.

environment cheapies and crafts here has more density and evocative poetry a profusion of digital SFX. The moon is felt as it may be, at least: an environment without past or future, a dead star, which we dragged with difficulty. A mirror image of life desired.

Sam Rockwell amazing.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Creative Webcam Live Pro Driver Windows 7

genesis and structure of reason in a region of Wallachia (books for an operetta transcendental)

Introduction to the life of the mind

When I see the accumulation of, say, upset, falling on the guy Gopnik, there, in "A Serious Man " The Coen's latest film, I'm fed up gently. Finally, I'm tired, so to speak, of course.
No, really, I should send the script to the story of my life to the brothers, because, I know. Honestly, what I saw, it's more akin, in my of view, a country walk, or to the memory of days more or less splendor.

There is a well-known phrase from Mark Twain who never made me laugh, saying, heartily, for I have always more or less foreseen the tragic content. ;
As crazy neighbor said Fink in the adjoining hotel room, I'll show you the life of the mind.
This life of the mind, not the life that startled face of death and preserves, pure, the havoc, but the life that supports the death and is preserved in it, I'll say ... The spirit who is this power only if the negative view in the face and stay with him ... Well let me tell you. This extended stay is not (necessarily) the magic power that converts the negative into being. Just as it may not convert anything.

By cons, a truth that seems hard to deny is that:

" A man started from scratch to reach does not have much to say thank you to anyone .

The die is cast. The alpha and omega, everything is there. Can be folded shop, pack up the hardware, and from walking, whistling along the gutters, following the smell of wet shit floating in the air the aftermath of a storm.
Clearly, I must say, and without making me pray, yet I'm not going to thank anyone. Let me be very clear between us, I might add, since we Devison the spirit light and relaxed in this beautiful late summer afternoon that only disturbs the continuous squealing pig castrated poodle of the court on the ground floor.
What can I say, otherwise, not too filling the atmosphere?

We were never anxious

I was obviously a bright future.
Overcoming chugging existential angst fundamental, omnipresent and omnipotent, piercing at the age of six years with every fiber of my body, I was ready to embrace a career employee of a philosophy professor. P RIVILEGES which naturally falls to all those who are the legitimate beneficiaries.

No, I said, for the affect of anxiety, because one day I overheard an interesting conversation once in the "office assistants". One said: "I've never understood this story of anguish, in Heidegger. Frankly, I was never anxious, it's a joke." Another agreed: "Yes, and remember that Sartre had himself conceded that he had used this concept just because it was fashionable. He regretted later." A third confirmed: "like, I acknowledge that I have never had any worries. I think there is something pleasant and beautiful. I go people balanced, friendly, open to the world, interested in many things. They either have never experienced anxiety. I find it hard to understand, in fact, the thought that revels in the negative things, darkness, ugliness, with emphasis on the unpleasant aspects of life. Basically, it's a matter of modesty, elegance, always look on the bright side of things and try as much as this little, communicate happiness around you. "The first concludes:" Yes I totally agree with you. Frankly, honestly - honestly - I think we can say that we were never worried. Otherwise, Ciryl thee briefed about the housewarming Carmelo and Benedict? Solange wants everyone brings his sushi. "Yes, great, I got the phone Gaetan. Ciryl can not come, in fact. It is in Morgins all week for the classes of snow.

A brilliant Ph.D. in hand, therefore, welcomed with full military honors, a special mention, the whole shebang. "You are a true philosopher" , "know that I recognize in your work and a worthy legacy, blah blah." Thus was concluded one term of eight years as assistant county in a nice provincial university.
soon dismissed, erased, erased, canceled spectralization.

With, in addition, depreciation "cunning" (I wonder if this is the correct term), no frank discrediting the collar, "cash" on the side, threw on my late work, for some clerical careerist ambitions humiliated too long not to curl mental pathology.
Never forget to keep it under water, with obstinacy and method, the head of the drowned. For even drowned, he can rise to the surface, while bloated, covered in pustules and tumescence rainbow sky. Not to mention the smell that can ruin a picnic on a makeshift riverboat by the aoûtiens tipsy.

Small Delikatessen traditional university, so. Boiled dish reused in the new-old Ceausescu, courageous revolutionaries transcendental operetta on the return, having spent the last stronghold. Ultimate object of desire for which conspirait their "Passion of Reason" any sacrificial self-denial. And forceful pressure groups in the faculty committees; medical certificate showing off the pacemaker shaming the proto-Nietzschean "fascist" in "great health" biting his life and the prosecution to the fullest long; companionship Masonic long coveted in the horrors, and finally obtained, by the grace of god and unwavering friendship retiring, who's bad conscience for being a narcissistic diva "testicle-soft" [see paragraph 4 (*)] throughout their career was worked to the body with a scalpel, and brilliantly on the finish line, to succeed them. We will return.

Ideology critique

More generally, I talk about the world of the university. Calmly, academically. In illustrating my point of didactic examples drawn from everyday life, I will describe in detail the ethology from its field office. Because it should get its moldy garbage before going to bed at dusk Sunday.

"The yes and no, it's something else, they come back to me as I progress, and how to shit on it, sooner or later, like a bird, without missing a single "(S. Beckett's unnamable , p. 8).

It pleases me to narrate a courtesy call I made to the cabinet of the new regime's strong man, standing in the twilight of his chair as stucco Napoleon at Austerlitz. I

hands full already for two years full time. Incidentally, just to locate the topo, my wife was at that time trying to burst open jaws of an overwhelming resurgence of cancer asshole in the form of a heart-lung tumor which was the 'Take three weeks later. So I was not really that day to celebrate the slip, as they say on the site Shangols. To mention also, my previous girlfriend had peg out a decade earlier of a heart attack, after placing a niche. It was just before my tenure. But I stop here this list morbid as one might think, perhaps, that I'm complaining, or I try to give the starring role.

This honorable catechumen, also the owner-annuitant opulent real estate by inheritance, wanting to be a Trotskyist, in permanent revolution against the power and thrust to the head of the bald singer, explained in a soft voice Almost whispering how much he had to face the mountains of the Himalayas to be finally recognized in its proper place. He had lived, he was remembering the same humiliation that Karl Marx had endured for so long despised by the institution and all that.

While congratulating him, I inquired about the possibility of recovering the philosophy courses he gave before the HEC latter, logically, should now be vacant. He explained that things were a tad more complicated. He had been forced to do to keep this charge in trouble she simply disappear from the curricula of HEC Again, it was a fierce battle, he fought with panache on the board of machin-trick. It was the eternal struggle for the defense of philosophy, the discipline morigénée by the representatives of capitalism and the pursuit of profit, and any this. And that, I could understand, because I like him and he knew it, and I knew that he knew 'em know, a believer in the philosophy, like him, a "Friend of Reason" .
then I inquired, as a friend of reason, the future more or less unknown to the seminar of DEA. We share so far during a philosophical anthropology of 15h. One half each: mine on Kojeve, his on Hegel. Part of the course as I continued to give, to volunteer for "research assistant".
He explained, without leaving it velvety tone, almost tender, which charmed my ears like a reminiscence of Sprechgesang Schoenbergian that again things were more complicated. It can not be too determine the follow-up to the current division of the empirical and the transcendental. He must still ensure the possibility of teaching Hegel's thought in the department. For now, nothing sure he was not granted.
Our man, promoted lecturer and Chair of philosophical anthropology - created for the occasion - is seen with a teaching schedule of one hundred hours as the crow flies but he did not know if it would have the opportunity to teach the thought of Hegel University. As it rarely taught anything, moreover, that the thought of Hegel, this manifestation of his concern left me a little baffled. The surprise had to read on my face. To make myself understood, he explained that it was very important to teach at the University of Hegel's thought. And that too, I could understand it (again). Because, like him, I measured the importance of this giant of thought what Hegel, and as a Friend of reason, too.

[The ideology, as Marx taught, can be defined as the system of values and representations of the dominant class, of presenting its interests as universally shared by all members of society. This implies, of course, that:

"Any illusion of believing that the domination of a particular class is only the dominance of certain ideas, it ceases naturally- Similarly, when the dominance of any class whatsoever ceases to be a form of social system, that is to say there is no need to represent a particular interest as the general interest or represent "Universal" as the dominant ( German Ideology, § 42).

commutative And, well of course: when the recipient of the statement of universal scope is about to exit - or is already out for a long time - a specific form of social system. We must therefore not fail to speculate that an insurance delighted with the crib, he was surrounded by a negative theology meaningless , is willing to lap up with big ladles rhetoric also tartufière.]

The seminar DEA 15h addressed rarely more than 4 or 5 students per year. Placed by definition at the end of training, he was preparing for doctoral studies. So I felt some difficulty to conceptualize, in sense-certainty of an immediate knowledge of the here and now, this little course somehow supernumerary constituât alone the ultimate lifeline for that thought Hegel was taught at the University. My mood was somewhat clouded, and I replied in a tone rather martinet that this defense and illustration of the need to teach philosophy in a department philosophy resonated in my ears like an abstract formalism, an empty universality, a hollow idealism.
Well my friend believe me, it is one thing, namely, not to say, if you want to be in good books of a revolutionary Trotskyist Chair of philosophical anthropology, determined not to interpret the world but to transform intra then extramural.
I added , carried away by my eloquence, that the only thing I wanted, I still ensuring that part of the course was to keep my "anchor symbolic in the institution "(yes, I had a very simpleton vocabulary at the time).

That, precisely, that this projection springs memorable for me immortal qu'aujourd 'Even today I ressere in monologue as if I had dreamed. scowling suddenly, and falling head slightly toward the back of the chair, winning the semi-darkness that would give much weight enigmatic than imposing what would follow, he murmured, disappointed but resigned as the villainy of mankind:

"yes, I see. You, finally, it's money that interests you ... "

Well, I know, I think even lacked the emotion overwhelm me. I mumbled something like "I'm not a salesman," or a silly statement like that. I got up, took my umbrella and walked out.

Stadium mirror

barriers to the teaching of Hegel's thought at the University were fortunately removed thereafter. My "symbolic anchor" was given to me in all of its two halves. But I decided to put the end to my period "Phantom of the closet."

few months later, in keeping with a habit he had contracted from the time we shared the seminar dea (warn students not to take seriously the second part of the course), this polemicist formidable rival of Clausewitz and Althusserian long (considering in this title, and why not, the thought of Kojeve was neither more nor less than a meaningless delusion ), delegated one of his henchmen at a roundtable sympathetically organized out of my book .

I'm not sure how I would describe this variation fetishized assistant spongiform vaguely psycho-rigid. What I can say is that when it was his turn to speak, I had the opportunity, for the first time in my post-career, to perform a full eidetic variation around the Abschattungen phenomenon designated by the term "loufiat. He offered a staggering ventriloquée imitation of his master's voice - more than mash Canigou Pathé Marconi.

On entry game, he informed me, in a tone of aspiring wrestler at FNRS, his deep perplexity face a work totally meaningless the first line.
After allowing unwound few strings worn laborious and learned, I interrupted and informed that my turn if the goal of the game was to engage in a disputation Byzantine intra-university, we could conclude from the outset. As stirred by a dance of St. Vitus Interior, it gibberish, he heard a tone firm: "It is not my intention to indulge in a Byzantine disputatio inter-university and I ..." .
But no, you're confusing, I thought. Inter-city was Guy molluscs, Zitrone pressed, the bulls. Remember, wonderful, great.

(*) At this stage of my presentation, I should point out that repeated occurrences of the phrase "spineless wimp" are under the exclusive copyright of Leon Tepes 1. It is the sole trustee under the SACEM, with the usual expression moult repeatedly to describe his friend and steadfast companion Masonic future.
This was the time when the dictates of reason prompted him to consider the latter as personally responsible for his sad passions - namely, being held off the caliphate iznogoudien.

Leon then began writing his thesis under the direction of Iznogoud.
We were bound for sympathy because many years ago, I attended a student, a para-university seminar he had initiated the first floor of a tavern, to set fire to more or less short term state institutions of bourgeois ideology.

But the dark times we live now commanded another control strategy, more devious, more subtle.
Leon bade me make me analyze, due to the affect of potentially pathological grief, by one of his intimates that he himself was a close friend of his nemesis. This Szondi was also his personal analyst. He was later a member of the jury of his doctoral dissertation.

The efficiency of this recommendation to me was an inexhaustible source of jubilation for Leon fierce.

epigone Legendre, he knew nothing about the genealogical foundations and fixtures for the rule of law. Building prop by prop, brick by brick, level by level, the foundations of his future rigorous theory the "normativity of reason", he had already identified a priori and non-breaking first axiom: " it is forbidden to be crazy "(not a joke).

He told me one evening, the flickering candlelight, the contents of its plan Mephistophelean: the trap called the "pincer".
Not only I grabbed was a opportunity to get treated by a specialist of his friends who was at the same time his analyst, but the fact that his Szondi was a close intimate of his persecutor was a unique opportunity, according to him, to plunge it in the throes of psychological terror. A this single idea, he could not contain himself for joy, shaken by spasms of laughter chest typically Leone:

"Imagine a little, he reveled: my executioner is your Head of Service. You do analysis by my friend, who is also friends with the executioner. This will live in constant fear, knowing that his assistant reveals all the depravity of his personality pathology. For we are of the agreement one point: While you suffer what you suffer, and that's sad. But you also suffer, if not more, of castrating impulses of our common hangman. Especially since, unlike me, you are at his command, bound hand and foot. We will constantly executioner is fatal, we castrate them both. He wants my psychic death as he wants yours. It's crazy, and he wants me to drive me crazy ... The art of making each other crazy. Harold Searles. Very enlightening. I commend thee. Remember the conference "transparency and opacity in the statement." He forced thee to send him the wrong question to thee dictated two days before. You had repeated throughout the afternoon. And you kept saying "this is your question Pericolosospore is your question, you'd have asked you, anyway. I'm just helping you better formulate your thoughts" . You're sweating profusely throughout the duration of his communication. You're afraid not to lift a finger fast enough. All because he had a blue funk gadget that takes the floor. That is exactly right. And when I give the pages to read, he replied, after reading: "It's fantastic, it's beautiful, it's powerful. What a pity it is not publishable." It is I who one day I drew his attention to "the refutation of idealism" in the Critique of Pure Reason. But when we discuss Kant, he said: "I know, I know, I also read the Kant-Lexicon of Eisler. Do you realize? [Leon moved and carried away:], he learned foraging in Kant Kant-Lexicon, whereas me, that's almost 30 years studying Kant in the text, in German, in the Akademie Ausgabe ! Executioner can not tolerate our sole heritage, parentage symbolic about a castrated. It's a spineless wimp . Even his wife, he managed to disfigure. She was very beautiful before he married her. You should see her today [: Leon shrugs and round cheeks in the manner of Dizzy Gillespie]. Nothing can grow in the shade of a spineless wimp, but a castrato. Never forget this: " the realm of soft balls, the queens will be castrato " [chuckle belly of Leon]. "

We leave the reader to reflect on the prophetic dimension of a statement containing Maybe its part of universal truth.

this distant time, psychoanalysis was not yet regarded as a sham in the newspapers Controversial. That the psychoanalytic clinic is very popular in the professional academic is not surprising in itself. Containers with air the most paid and invested more in the imagination faculty generate themselves, in owers interactions with their specific habitat, the neurotic has pathogen in phase with the personality structure generated by psychoanalytic paradigms.
The academic institution and the institution involved psychoanalytic naturally the same relentless production of various neuroses-z-variety and is reviving each other in a mirror.
Even the universality of the Oedipus complex, as the structure of the psyche could rightly be challenged in the case of other social systems more or less closed, it is self-valid somehow in the system considered. It is indeed stone retaining faculty of existential regime, with its "genealogy", his tutelary figures of patriarchs and stepmothers transmitting from generation to generation their legacy and their empire, made of donations, gifts-cons, debts (infinite preferred) of manceps of tics, OCD and various behavioral disorders in a farce with no limits considered as an outsider, but lived within a structural model . And it is not surprising that in this confined space, the approaches to the resolution of such neuroses create and maintain themselves to solve the problem. This dynamic stimulus circular gives some idea of the infinite for the duration of academic functioning of a finite subject.

For the rest, I met three times Szondi.
was a charming man and tired, wearing the hat constantly fishing for Jacques-Yves Cousteau. It was slightly inclined to pioncer during sessions. Nobody would dream of the blame. How boring is indeed listening floating drive destiny of the man who does not live under the guidance of reason. other hand, he certainly had to be stuck with for years now a steady stream of bloated faces even more frightening than the test Szondi ° : it makes you want to take refuge in a state of semi-consciousness latent.
A third meeting, I had the idea to tell a dark and devious dream that I was repeated, wondering what on earth could it mean. "Do you think it might mean something?" To which he replied, looking weary: "I do not know what that might mean, but anyway, it's pretty surreal." I was cured. The Szondi.

[° If anyone born after 1925, not having lived his childhood in the first-time prequel to "Transylvania chainsaw massacre," or chained as Kaspar Hauser in the loft of a dungeon, succeeds to identify the six series two figures "more friendly" and two figures "more unpleasant," he writes in a post office or transmit pneumatic GSB (Szondi Belgian group). ]

Spinoza Venice

I will speak later, also, on occasion, Mrs. Ceausescu, dolores-passionaria of Reason and the "Friends of Reason" - incidentally a proletarian Marxism-spinozo adulterated and fraudulent blessed my balls.

His philosophical system Training was forged some time in rough contact prie-dieu Faculties Notre-Dame de la Paix. That was before being introduced by predestination and papal nepotism, chief librarian of the county town of powerful balls, a few months after the arrival of Leo Népotus Vlad-1, Emperor of Northern Wallachia . While she was not even damn to use a software computer rankings. It must be said that in his eyes like those of Vlad, the tool represents the symbol of the alienation of the proletariat by the trusts of capitalism américwouains as Tati said the school factors. So they delegate the handling of subcontracting a lumpen proletariat administration.

An unusual feature of Spinoza and heterodox fervent transmuted into catechesis, Mrs. Ceausescu, is the fear of a permanent Winnicottian imminent collapse of self the philosopher-infant (the feeling of the continuity of its be). Unfortunate consequence of a failure too brutal good enough mother, as far as the father of interventionism mol-buffer. Follows a very detrimental institutional failure of the Law and Order in the symbolic rule of law represented by the alma mate Dr. Vlach, plunging the infant-philosophers in the primitive agonies.

His favorite sermon, in a socio-discursive de-symboligénisation distressing of all is:

"but, but then there's nothing left! There have more structure, there is more order, there is no society, there is more language. Well, that's all, there is nothing to say, you can put the key under the mat and go! ".

The crucial mission which then invests Mrs. Ceausescu, is to drop everything to rush to the mast foremast and designate to the attention of philosophers infants engaged in a false self, the good transitional object:

"Spinoza " reviewed by him.

To this end it has copied the sayings purple felt, she can easily navigate through hundreds of sheets of card stock sorted and numbered according to the order of reasons, and carefully stored in a cookie tin Heudebert naphtalinées scents. Thus, for each concrete problem of the existence, adequate understanding of its cause is provided.

Sometimes Law and Order symbolic threaten to block balls in, under the blows dealt by the crypto-fascist Deleuzian supposedly obsessed with "pure enjoyment". In these moments, Mrs. Ceausescu raised his arms to heaven and invokes illico all veterans of the defense of the paternal bitniques vilified by all who put their shoes dirty and neglected in terms of work ("but where you believe Do you? We are in a University here, not in a bear garden! ").

worth recalling the forgotten and rotten Gerard Mendel, author of" revolt against the father, "and the heteronymous" Andre Stephane ", author of the universe contestationnaire.
These books are ways of testing" psychoanalysis of May 68 "high valued by Leon. This Last rarely misses when he was on the barricades, to recommend the consultation illuminating the rare stray sheep or bad seeds dragging their spats in the corridors depopulated, and likely to engage in idleness on a slippery slope Pleasure Principle type "Deleuzian" * (sic).

* ("While it is objected things very unpleasant. We are told that we return to an old cult of pleasure, a pleasure principle, or a conception of the party (the revolution will be a party ...). We oppose those who are unable to sleep, either from within or from without, and who have neither the power nor the time, or who have neither the time nor the culture of listening to music or the ability to walk or to enter into catatonia, except in the hospital or who are subject to an age, a terrible death in short all those who suffer: those not "miss" anything they ? And above all it is objected that the lack subtracting the desire and the law, we can no longer invoke a state of nature, a desire that would be really natural and spontaneous. We are saying quite the opposite: there desire agency or engineered. You can not grasp or conceive a desire out of an arrangement determined on a plan that does not exist before, but must itself be built. That each group or individual, construct the plane of immanence, where he leads his life and business is the only important case. Out of these conditions, you are missing because of something, but you miss precisely the conditions that make possible a desire. " Dialogues, p. 115, Champs / Flammarion, 1977)

Mrs. Ceausescu also professes an anti-Christianity of the most virulent (Ricoeur is his nemesis since childhood almost). This does not preclude support adamant that the Act, at the little man, it is structured , like it or not, and we admit it or not between a Dad and a mamma, as separate biologically differentiated.

modern psychoanalytic anthropology taught us that the symbolic "fact" break with the natural order of the determinations. But far to commit to complicate things up at the track - the it briefly - a "spread" (horreur! But then it goes in all directions around this pill!) or "differance native", it is here curiously supported by what should be appoint a naturalist or essentialist anthropology of Christian inspiration. According to the latter, the order of culture and the immutable laws of nature ultimately converge and ab origine. Mrs. Ceausescu also sees it with an anxious eye the "Pacsat" a homosexual kin, disturbing symptom of a "perversion" symbolic founder of the Order of Culture.

She exhorts and to develop - work in progress "- a replay of schizo-plastic revolutionary materialism of Spinoza, of reintegrating in the sinuous curve of a long twisted loop, recursive, psychoanalytic hermeneutics Christian it intended to liquidation basis. Or how to find its way into what was thought to flee following the opposite route. It's sort of, slightly revamped, the prophecy of Oedipus the King being accomplished upside . Wishing to kill his father (Ricoeur), Oedipette kills the king of Corinth (Spinoza). Light heart, she went to Thebes, whistling and crosses his real dad (Ricoeur) in whose arms she falls in taking him for Spinoza.
The contribution much anticipated in-Wallachian Studies spinozo immediately looks at the cutting edge of contemporary philosophical anthropology, laying the beginnings of a proletarian revolution in ecumenical nurseries and playgrounds of the Sacred Heart.

I remember a time Jura where we made a live performance in two voices in a seminar on moral philosophy.

We were invited to exhibit, one after other, two designs - antagonists necessarily antagonistic - desire.
One, kojévienne , in terms of the "negativity" - inspiring yet largely Freudian-Lacanian some basic patterns that exalts more than reason. The other, Spinoza, in terms of "positivity" - an inspiring yet largely posterity vitalist it up to obloquy. Mysteries impenetrable ways of the genealogy of the transmission.

When I finished my part, my faith quite alive - I saw several students who marries without a second thought (with me, not of me, I want to say), our understanding of the Reform moved cautiously on the podium.
The Hitchcockian suspense was at its height.

To taste the flavor of his incipit, you represent late John Paul II initiating the recitation of the Rosary in the Basilica of the Shrine of Aparecida-sur-Meuse. But with the vocal organ of Lova Moor, one to defibrillate the marshal's baton of a Jesuit. Whispered doloroso cantabile, legato all in . The sentence is executed Calendo , and maintained ostinato in a mournful tone Sostenuto ma non troppo :

"After hearing what I just heard ... I feel I must speak in a lunar landscape ... ... death ... devastated by an atomic bomb ... If you are still in a lot of desire, I now talk of a philosopher who promises us freedom and joy ... "

Poor Baruch ... Your carcass still smoking may continue to drift quietly on the canals of Venice in the name of Calcutta desert, in the shadow of the synagogues. You really have no desire to make you, go.

Letters stolen

few months after taking office, justified by his infallible skill in the art of classifying books in two rows clear and distinct "friends of reason" and " enemies of reason ", Spinozette uttered or joins a list perforated, a manuscript letter in which she claimed with a zeal courtelinien the return of some thirty books recorded under several years obsolete, of" collaborating ".
I hastened to discharge this tedious task. In this list were several titles that have already been returned in the past. During my visit, she was absent for reasons of collocation in a symposium. I explained the problem to her assistant, and wrote an e-retailer in detail the titles of works already returned. Mail I kept photocopies, vaguely dreading the passion of zealots become fussy in the government sector.

few months passed, we vaquâmes, heedless of the fate of the other, and free as the wheat. I then received a second reminder to me claiming again the above securities.
Not without some annoyance related to the confirmation of my fears, I visited again the Documentation Unit, and I set out to explain the details of the micro-issue that I sensed more and more - because I am a sensory intuitive, and that straying from the regular attendance of friends of reason - it would still be in the form of micro-problem.
I re-esspliquai therefore claimed that some titles had been returned before the crash of a former software whose data were no longer on the new.
Spinozette barely visible to the intellect phenomenon. His face closed, his brow is furrowed. "I think there is a problem anyway," she insisted with an almost painful reluctance.
It suggests there, eventualy, I was trying to rob the institution of two or three works of inestimable value.

tét'de on my mother, my blood suddenly flowed back as one man to the head region. Took out a volley of insults unspeakable properly, a residue of filthy nonsense I still claims the court every intonation of Kantian faculties. I took advantage kairos to opt out of this myself definitely a library where my book lost (see below ) has certainly been placed, sealed with the stamp: "Attention, mad & Clinical enemy of Reason" before being crushed in a garbage chute, and then incinerated.

Ah, that did not stop to finish my rant. The statements came certainly fundamental in order slightly scattered, but it made sense, I must say, in the sense that it was not completely devoid . All that needed to be said was said, and my faith, all that should not be said was too.
Spinozette was outraged, as they should, and it is little to say. Her lip quivered slightly, and huge designer glasses "eighties fashion" is gradually covered with mist. A discontinuous intervals, when it succeeded in placing himself at one and the merit was not small, because I wanted pretty much the spittoon and not cherished no desire to sell. "Enough!" Go away! "Get out of here!" Out! " Without success and pushing toward the door my body mass tapping hidden resources in the force of inertia.

All this was not the taste of his collaborator, I mean this acquiescence to anti-Sartrean possible inertia, no less than the unbroken curses low ceiling. She intervened:

"Sir, will you leave, please?"
"Yes, sorry, why should I leave, in truth, well please, miss?"
"Because the world screw yourself, sir."
I cast a quick glance round the Documentation Unit, as the Kalahari desert. A closer look, however, nestled in the west wing, a young man dressed strictly as a seminarian looked me with a look no doubt upset. He seemed unable to concentrate as he was about what I imagined to be a incunabula of Thomas Aquinas.
"What do you mean the world, what world? Sir, there? Oooooh yes, sir, he is not happy with the gentleman there, it can not work the gentleman rhôô. I advanced towards him with a compassionate. He was less happy, and that I could understand. "Yes, sir, I beg your pardon, sir, because you see, there are 365 days in a year, and although today, sir, you must know, is the day we made piss. "
Computer scientist had to join forces with his assistant to push me, politely but firmly towards the door" exit ".
" Go away, go -Don 't! ".
" Just qu'je'll go, like then. I have no intention, you imagine you, to return here to look, you see, your face [censored] who is not a true cure [censored]
"From -hooOrs! "
I went out.

Once outside, still excited, I get around twice the block constituting the alma mater, then I turned back towards the CU, realizing that the issue of missing books was by no means resolved. I made a new entry clarion:

"Hello, it's me again. I come back, because it appears that my personal administrative problem remains unresolved, that a certain point of view appeals to me ... "


This was my last feedback, the time to glimpse Spinozette planted on the floor, like a castaway in the middle of a coral reef, arm outstretched and finger in my direction.

Shortly before closing offices, we could see him, I learned later, traveling a step erratic corridors of the department. She advised, scared, a member of scientific staff who passed by:

"Are you the opportunity to cross Jerzy Pericolosospore recent months?"
"Yes, I saw two weeks ago, the cafe of the nozzle. It locks on coca-cola light lemon-lemon light, as usual. Why is there a concern?"
"Well, I think it's crazy ... I mean really crazy. Clinically."

Well, my book, only to return one last time before finishing. In the timeline a little heckling from this study scientific and programmatic, that is prior to slices of life of the mind above narrated .

matured fruit of ten years, it appeared rapidly the PUF, or received no support network or co-options to use in the community, by people to whom I should do nothing and owed me nothing, and when I pointed it already for six months. A terrific argument to remember the good memories of the institution? Do you, Lustucru, exactly as if I had defecated a ball in a case of bass or sang Ramona in a ventilated duct. I was suggested to provide a copy to fill the window of the lobby, the publications of "members" honoring the corporation. I never recovered. He was carelessly lost between the Secretariat of the Dean (known as the "Dean") and the secretariat of the department. 25 Euros thrown out the window. I wrote a book, the only thing I am proud in my mediocrity, I could not even pay me triple.

The importance hair.

my diploma, I was very proud as well, since he was snatched, ultimately, on the line to finish and a knife in a melee with dark attempts at self- Repeated sabotage, soon became a way for economic and social suicide.

few months after the publication of my book (November 2005), I certainly managed to qualify me for a period of four years at UNC so I could participate, from 2006 until this year in recruitment competitions Annual lecturers in universities in the area French. But failed to classify me as worth. Reason and is provided with meaning : my curriculum was frozen when I became unemployed in 2004. I could not improve my record of a growing list of activities and scientific publications. This possibility had vanished by itself just when I finally met the academic requirements to achieve it. The trailer coincided with the end credits. Melodramatic language, it's called "having the wings clipped when taking off."

For other Belgian universities, this was and remains Tintin-Riquette. The job openings are as frequent as the screening of a film by Jean-Marie Straub in the ballroom of Jemeppe-sur-Sambre, and distribution has already been planned for at least a decade.

last 6 years, of course I sent my application in proper form on all vacant posts of professor of philosophy published in the Gazette, or to the Provincial Education for High Schools Liege, Mons Hainaut, Namur, Brussels North, Brussels Central Brussels afternoon, Ghent and Bruges St-Pierre. I have never received not even a receipt.
I searched for support from the political side. This relay, at least, allowed me to keep me informed of the habits and customs in force in the autonomous complex of the High Schools. Either a declaration of vacancy was an administrative fiction designed to permanent appointments already a member function, the post had been entrusted to a licensee who support, family, relatives, in the "network". Or both.

mail a minister of the deputation of x , relayed by a Mayor of there, informed me that the direction of HE z had "finally decided to reinstate the temporarily last year, who had assured him full satisfaction."
Or, after having sought the office of "Minister of Higher Education of the FA charge of the High School," I received the personalized mail:
"I note that you have made the steps necessary for registration as a candidate to the Minister, [...] accordance with the rules [...]. With regard to higher education organized by the French Community, j'agrée after verification by the Administration, the validity of applications, proposals submitted by the Boards of Directors of the institutions concerned.
This, in formal language disambiguated, means the direction itself chooses its candidate, and I reply "oh ok, dacodac" .

A steward in "teaching" me: "ah yes but no, i s you do not personally know someone in High School, or if someone who knows personally someone who occupies an important position is impossible. They have their own network. We can not do anything. "

The famous "network." The enigmatic gizmo that I could never penetrate, nor understanding nor praxis, the arcane secrets as much as subtle.
Not that I was reluctant to rub postéral right people, important people in the small shoes of which it is appropriate to take. Oh nay. Without any false pride or I do not know what obscene fantasy of pure integrity, I was quite prepared to greedily lick the ass of every important person of influence who would have the kindness to me tender, even languidly, lazily, in overturning the buttocks half. And believe me, I would have scraped the whole extent, with rigor and application, carefully loosen up the pulp of dried starch nestling in the forest of tangled hair ass.

Because people of importance and power, it is scientifically proven, have anusielle region well endowed with hair. Generally. Except for aesthetes passionate elegance that will make the tweezers carefully, and excepting of course those who prefer to do the comb and pomade, and draw pleasure in very respectable living.

It is clear from very serious studies in the university clinics of private Brabant, funded by the Rotary Club Watermal-Boisfort in partnership with the military training college equestrian House Wood, that on a panel of 150 persons of high importance and high income, recognized by their peers and their odd for their sphere of influence, 80% negligent maintenance of the hair region gluteal, activity or hobby they consider trivial or frivolous. It is also consistent with some archaic ethology power: when one is important to the devil if the small staff is overcome by fumes generated by the scent of sweat gluteal areas. Waxing said areas being a hobby we reserve preferably boys hairdressers or dressmakers inverted ambition to expand their circle of important friends.

But here, we agree. Provided that preceded exhaled a faint remains of humanity after all relatively fresh and friendly, as there are turns in the downright filthy. And with good reason that some readers nurse reasonably happy in life, and positive attempt to reframe myself nodding of the head with a grave and desolate, with the formula that fly:

" honestly, I pity you. It's pathetic. V ou must be very unhappy in life, poor, failure, frustration, hatred, impotent, etc., so clabauder, macerate ad nauseam resentment sterile.

Well, quite, I don 'in no way disagree. This is the case. Undoubtedly. So what?

Joyful affects

Lethal Weapon, in the use and manipulation of philosophical concepts in the institutional rhetoric.

One of its main functions is to inhibit any unseemly burst of an affect of rebellion or pain in the throat of the being-institutional, preferably when you have the desire to dump large snakes well smoke. This is more or less in these situations to invoke the importance ahistorical and trans-spatial, disconnected from all power relations located, precepts of wisdom or philosophical ethics expected to act on the grantee as a substance sui generis-a psychological property of the autonomous subject where the determinations of the social field, the play of domination, no longer exist.

Indeed, this type of admonition is actually acting on the subjects in phase derealization, that is to say, having internalized "beyond reason" that set of moral values, constituting what we might call a spinal cord superego.
Such subjects are distinguished by a state of naivety or irenicism confounding, to a degree by the cynics sneer. Which have the force of law and violate all moral value blithely in vertiginous power games careerists ensuring breeding privileges inherited by licking balls, forcing balls, ethos socio-genetic-economic Dawkins predetermined way, or psychological self-castration (but not sexual: the Pygmalion projo sessions or private boudoir, exorcising their noonday devil by throwing himself headlong into the droit de seigneur and the orbiting science of their tender and ambitious Lou Salome lecture halls, are admired models, as examples, "he found his second wind, c ' is great "), or four together, you never know, we know more.

In this reign of the systematic inversion of values, perfected the ultimate point of bad faith in a completed waffle surpassing some fascinating features the subtleties of Newspeak, the instance "superego" of the philosophical subject, the opiumisé certainty of being in conflict with the philosophy in action and deeds, acts upon him like a big beta-blocker. It neutralizes any empirical evidence of his situation in the balance of power. This is the kind of opportunity that is particularly applied the magic formula, wave speed Spinoza, unique identifiable "does not sink into resentment," or "does not cultivate the sad passions."

Some, Wittgensteinian augustinisants skilled in the art of distinguishing the coveted red felt and the categoremes syncatégorèmes, get by by taking Yves Duteil tickling the guitar during the evening campfire Baden Powell Malibu Club. Others cope by combining, in a bold synthesis, Toni Negri and holistic massage.

Still others feared Wonder Boys-Terminators pressed, mounted on the batteries of the same name, with handshakes sharper than four blades wilkinson, consider new opportunities.
Having long taken for the son or mutant Alain Madelin ethnoschizoïde and Michel Foucault, before the onslaught of buttes Chaumont by revolutionary Trotskyists, they now combine their keen sense of praxis, the bizeness and public relations, by sharing between various social events useful. On the one hand, the secular-offs of progressive refinements in the debates of the Sunday newspaper ouksacause cathode (style headscarves semi-full flout human rights of Afghan women is the most burning and urgent societal problem and economical for our secular democracy and the occupation of our brain time available "). On the other, the direction a "Centre for Equal Opportunities" killing a phenomenal job (like "it is a scandal people corpulent must pay two places in the jumbo-set to go sunbathing in Croatia") - this which never fails to astringent when we meditate on the fact that they made their meteoric rise socio-genetically programmed on cronyism and political references elevator between the happy few.

It happens so that the said issue, after having cultivated this exhortation to the good life for a period shorter or longer (a half-decade) - it depends on the strength of his belief in the performative such statements - wakes up one morning as if waking from a dream foggy. Noting how his sadness of having no job, no money, no social existence, objectively separates the passions happy, active power and the irresistible "yes to life" issues-philosophers employees, he suddenly develops a concern :

"saperlipopette and dammit rutabagas, I wonder if I should not contracted in front of me a fucking cow fucking horrible resentment. Ah, for example. And my word, no, I 'm not seeing things. Tournicoti-tournicoti, I will go and inform Cosmoclock and Chives. "

The horrible in all this is that it feels even more guilty to develop a complexion so ugly, so as to contravene the principle so pathetic that his fundamental freedom lies precisely in the fact get rid of these sad passions. That's what I call "derealization hypnotic. Subjection to the mirage of personalistic psychology of a subject free, independent, able to convert his own emotions, making a virtue of necessity, good heart against misfortune, in seeking and finding his own salvation, not placing point in an external cause, etc..

An unemployed friend of the reason or not, and is constantly invited to live as a Bodhidharma in power. "Oyster secretes its pearl" as the saying goes in the psychology of resilience. A factory producing internal private disposition. The enslavement converted liberation: a lie born of the most striking of neuro-linguistic programming generated by the enduring fiction of the self-made man entrepreneurial.

echolalia & echopraxia

Yes but good. Is not this a tad push the plug into the negative-attitude egotistical? After all, as I did rightly noted researcher FNRS, annoyed at length of my pseudo-demonstrations on "Logical Fields"

"swell, waves, a small second. Philosophy is first and foremost a passion that engages us body and soul, every day. It's something that we cherish. A love that cock-a-ha and never not ta-Harit. It's a kind of sort of way of life, you know. Free as a beurd. It Is a child who never knew Bowème of aloa. It philosopher morning, noon and evening, as the apple pond apple, it is open to all and the practice is to participate in civic life is to become a citizen of the world, working to draft universal emancipation. Jeez, what will, when so little is inhabited by this vocation, priesthood, we're going to encounter others, we give a little person. We go out of its four walls, we stop to heal the navel, and we move a little ass. It invests in lecture-discussions PhiloCité, People's University of Liège Province, garden philosophical Alleur ... This is not what is missing. The association Philomena; PhiloCité Mômes; synergistic partnerships, the Zététique Theatre; philosophy workshops with children to "high potential" of the Institut Saint Boniface, philosophy workshops in the homes of elderly people, the festival of philosophy to Flaget. There's no one at the university is doing philosophy, what's that elite discourse, at the end. There's a lot of people here, colleagues, myself, who take on their own time, their little personal comfort, family life, to go to practice lifelong learning also make a difference. 'Em not believe this. Not to mention the collective practices of cross resistance. The junction resistance of thoughts and thoughts of resistance ... "

Yeah. Yeah, whouais, or whais hwouais ... logical fields. Logics fields. Language Games internal socio-professional field that defines specific conditions circulars issue, receipt and validation of its own statements as smart as provided sense. And it's nice game that the copy supplied by Onfray equal with the original, it is certainly allowed to laugh with Franck Lepage.

But I see it, when I think about all this, Wallachia, Jean Moulin mill Moulinsart, "I am a man of praxis," "teach social life", "give the word another time, give the time verb on the other, give time to another tense, giving to the other tenses, milk flow debidelow, die Marquise your beautiful eyes make me love ...", etc., etc. blinded by hatred.

Or I confused, I am to receive a mirror image of the projection of a camera obscura returned to the place, and if it is a camera obscura against where his image was projected upside ... My poor head. This is referred to in the voice, it is sometimes one of these boucan, no way to turn the knob of the radio I'm brown. Harold Searles is mad he made me mad. It's not my question - where did my question? The issue faded into oblivion. Or in the words of my late chief Couïmolus (specialist Derrida, Derrida also in the empirical manifestations of being transphenomenal I am dancer at the Bolshoi Opera), before taking a well deserved retirement:

"do not be paranoid, Pericolosospore! Lend not be receptive to the sounds of corridors. Who told you that? Give me names. It Machin, right? That Thing. Oh no, do not tell me, I know where it comes from. I implore you, do not go into these games perverse. These people seek to divide and conquer, they are not friendly voices, these are not your allies. They aim to introduce confusion in you, they try to convince you to go against your only real allies. Dishonest people do not listen to that want you to believe things that are not true. "

This answer echoed one I was delirious construction yet developed in the strictest privacy of my myself, before formulating it. I had indeed managed to suppress a hint of suspicion about a hypothetical causal connection, type post hoc ergo propter hoc authorizing the county contiguity slightly delayed the Ceausescu couple.

Accustomed that it was to nourish myself perpetually vanishing recommendations of moult each other at the option of a Verneinung erected in Olympic sport, he forgot the latest, lavished some days before my attack of paranoia:

"we must understand this, Pericolosospore: Now, Wallachia has adopted a new man of power: Vlad. It is very important for you to take good care to be in her good books. "

was also bundle in my hand. Cm had properly briefed several months after the day of my thesis (the day before so my reinstatement as seeking employment):

"I am happy that you develop a clear vision of your career, Pericolosospore. We will not renew your contract the pretext of friendship we have for you and you are endearing. The University has rules, they are transparent, they are respected and that no exception. Only the scientific account. Arbitrariness and complacency have no place there. Do not fantasize.

Actually, I knew that I was so endearing, and it dropped all my "scientific value".

I can hear Leon Tepes, the old to sixty-eight, Master remake of Berlin by Michael Bay, a murmuring sweet tone, warned about my dereliction:

"do not judge my friends, with too much severity, the words meaningless to a man down. A being degraded, separated from his power, made more or less insane by the pain of an unhappy fate, and which has no other recourse than to dump Devices cyber imperialism triumphant a pile of grotesque and defamatory allegations, driven by a pathological resentment. Who, indeed, not evidence here identify the fate of the man of resentment, perhaps even fascist temptation, in the mixing process backbiting, slander, gossip, cartoon, denigration of intellectual work of others, and finally hard to defile the most beautiful friendships - the concept of friendship itself as a philosophical value. Truth, my friends, is results. Follow the cone of thinking and seeing the sad result that we are offered here to think about: a person falling into the icy water of egotistical calculation. Doubly victimized, unfortunately for him, an industry of alienation and barbaric Stalinist Kojeve the Fordist which he was the singer, who he liked nothing more than money. But let us leave the poor, abused by the midget Sartre, Heidegger nazis, Deleuze and Derrida sensualist graphomania. Growing the company of free men and friends of reason. In the words of Spinoza: the free man lives under the command of reason, and nothing is more useful than searching and cultivating the company of other men free, etc. etc., ad libitum . "

Positivity work shortage

Where was I. Ah yes. Important People. "These people," Sir, Medem, these mysterious beings who came here, that Verily I fear as much as I revere, to whom I had given the wind and jewelry, to whom I entrusted my soul for pennies, I'm unable to locate them. Where are they? Where are they, who are they, these people who keep you on a leash, shopping, the brothel at Mass? As the surveyor, I walked along the edge of the Castle, the citadel with high walls impregnable.

Serving the "behavior control activation of job search", it becomes difficult, too.

An unemployed worker is a , and we do not pay to do nothing. Dixit controller, who makes his living prestant a job that I never tire not to admire, because its scale, however modest it may be in the organization of people of importance, he also holds a power that it intends to use and enjoy sparingly.
The specific job of the unemployed is precisely to look for work, and he agrees that this provision satisfies the "employer", otherwise the dismissal of the unemployed will punish the non-success.
Professional success is the unemployed, just like in the form of a formidable and intractable paradox, continually fail to succeed in his job search, but of accuracy. Indeed, an unemployed worker has to miss daily a micro-hair close, measurable geiger counter an opportunity - plausible - to get back into the professional circuit.
This time the rules of work - looking forward to fail without the amount of the net - is a serious offense which, as in any industry employee, called the penalty logic to dismiss the unemployed by taking away their allowances .
And if the unemployed person is unable to obtain employment in his particular branch after several years of fruitless search, it clearly means in the eyes of his "employer", or it is not best suited to the application. It no longer corresponds to the industry which it claims. Its offer is no longer plausible as his record becomes questionable skills.
Conversely, if the unemployed heads too often its application to jobs far removed from its register now useless and uncertain, "the employer" is also allowed to question the thoroughness and sincerity of this research. He suspected the unemployed to increase applications "can" to give the exchange, never to be insured contacted by an employer for a job in which he offers no real jurisdiction.
At both ends of the chain, a fact beyond doubt is gradually updated: the unemployed formed in the past, the pursuit of a profession for which he shows his inability in this . It must continually undertake new training, distant past that confirmed his claims ultimately wrong career. It must nominate a new profession of the future for which he has, logically, no real skill in this.
Whatever either the formation of past or future long-term unemployed, and its relevance is that of a worker unsuited to any sector is invited to free itself from the illusion of working in the time it was thought appropriate, and retrain constantly to another where he can hope to one day acquire a skill. Camping in-between open this indeterminacy altogether exciting, like a wind of adventure, he is suspect, anyway, to exploit its uselessness furbished land to roam, carpe diem on, careless, or run Guilledou on the sweat of honest skilled workers who subsidize gracefully.
In the case, the problem is not whether a doctor of philosophy, also aggregated and published, having taught this subject for ten years without bothering his world, made by is proof of his fitness for a sector where there are vacancies each year in High Schools across the country speaking Belgian, positions that are actually allocated to licensees, even in Romance Languages or History. Given, for many of them in their privileged position in the diagram of the "network" of integration, as mentioned above.
No, the problem is that it proves objectively, the persistence of his state of unemployment, it is not adequate supply in its "specialty" (word to pronounce with the eye that borders). It must therefore reconsider "in depth" (that is to say, from head to toe) as the relevance of their training as its guidance.

My last application (Appeal of 18 June for the fall 2010-2011), in good and due form, as evidenced by the postmark, to a vacant post of "assistant professor a philosopher "blessed the balls of the High Schools of Namur and Brussels, having been followed, as the previous 20, to a deafening silence, and despite the hell nia wins killer urging me to lick the very deep hairy ass decision-making bodies authorized by law which, in the person themselves, I am encouraged strongly to apply for a place to guard day in a nightclub or a night watchman in a box of day.
Because, well, as the controller employed by the Onem activation behavior of my job search, okay, there is good, I'm pretty fucking their mouths with Rabiot extending to take it easy at the expense of the princess.

The union steward, a charming young lady, a little lazy, had no shortage of irony before, during maintenance personnel to "prepare" the unemployed back to unionized controllers for anusiel control - annual pardon. But without malice on his part. It was fresh, light. That day, I dunno, I think it was gay as a lark:

"Ah, well it's funny, it ..." Professor of Philosophy. "I had philosophy course during my studies in social work. What I could get bored. I slept, oh I slept, I slept all the time. But finally, well, I guess it also depends on the teacher. In any case it was very boring ... I feel that you have remained very attached to school, right? Well yes, obviously you insist, in your case eh, I say what I see, want to come back to school. No, I say this because I think it might be time to leave school and find you another job. No, because since the time you want to return to school it is not, if you were to stay there ... "

A 45 brooms (in the ass), frankly, is not serious, and that's a lot of sushi for the schlemiel.

Apostille in the life of the mind

Let us however end on a positive note.

"philosophy [...] n ' is not a Power. Religions, states, capitalism, science, law, opinion, television are powers, but not philosophy.
Philosophy may have great inner battles (idealism, realism, etc..), but they are battles for fun. Not being a power, philosophy can not engage in battle with the powers, it leads, however, a war without fighting a guerrilla war against them. And she can not talk with them, it has nothing to say, nothing to communicate, and leads only talks. As the powers are not content to be outside, but also go into each of us is that each of us is constantly in talks with guerrillas and himself with philosophy "(GD, Talks ).

The unhappy consciousness of the forlorn, as everyone knows, is a figure of servitude. It maintains its dependence on internalizing the powerful. "Impotence, power of others," said Michaux. Consider the unemployed as it can be: a variation of the unhappy consciousness. While teachers are masters because the slaves consider them as such. This moment of self-awareness can and should be exceeded in a fight, a reappropriation of power which, without doubt, long overdue.

The horizon of the unemployed at the end of law is no different from that of the employee in fragmented segments of contracts, breaking the continuity of its spacetime.
The same is no horizon.
In anticipation of an active social synthesis imminent between the two sides reverses the alienation, unemployment negativity and positivity work shortage, some spiritual exercises can be practiced at reduced costs, based on a shoestring and leisure time for everyone. For my part, give a few strokes of the brush pouches hosted and maintained more than reason in my Cabessa. Another way to honor the laws of hospitality.

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