Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Chudidar Pajam Cutting

chatka !..... to your wishes! The

Sometimes there are things like that that we want to confess, to free his conscience as they say ... so now I'm the Doctor admit: since childhood I wonder how that may well be in the box crab Chatka ..... surely the consequences of an overly pushed Tintin. The other day, taking our courage in hand and our little basket in the other, here we are thus left to our neighborhood Monoprix to satisfy our curiosity quite legitimate after all these years ... for a few stray hours between the radius of surimi and the piles of boxes of sardines, I finally address the blonde grocer in that interim storage piles of boxes spécialeK a little further, and there blushing like that pimply colégien just buy the first box of condoms UK , here I am trying to stammer pitifully low voice to support my quest for precious boiboite ... "Moo no my good sir! We put them on the shelf more boxes Chatka! You make po account .... we steal more than the razor blades ..." Commencing at walk away politely meter for an end to this most unpleasant conversation, vla ti po that it adds the darn but ...." if you want to ask ma'am Martin fô she keeps in her office boxes Chatka! "" you want a big box! "She began to bellow the turkey while I was trying to run away discreetly by donating a pile of boxes of Special K promo .... is framed by two dogs with earbuds in your ears and Oryol underarm I find myself face to Madame Martin severely I want more bluntly: "when you take a big! "This is when I think I fainted ...... painfully
Returning to reality we dream of premiums za:
salmon tartare and crab, his big dollop of wasabi cream

In your faithful poisonnière we fetch a nice big piece of very fresh salmon, it is cut into cubes ti, is seasoned with soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, chives, Thai, and shallots, a little itchy to meet all
Open religiously big box of chatka, emmiétez ends of machine that's inside, make a wasabi mayonnaise, and mix, as we
If you still have salmon Smoked limit expiration, you can decorate the top with, if not avoid, that will not bring anything except the aesthetic but it screws up in the air when you attack in the range ....
vouala and this is when accompanying a nice dollop of whipped cream and chives Seasoned Wasabi for key freshness, but Ms. Vui!
It will eventually head down, crushing a small tear, and hugging the walls, and yes, it avoura that we had taken chatka, but especially that we will resume more becaufe bah ...... ..... this is not the top top chatka, how it has been lying to us so long ........

KATONDONBU: Something very special occasion to atone for our fault .....
Chardonnay and worse, if there is no English to drink in the trimming is not so funny, right?

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Funny Wedding Invitation Messages

fayot, cod and spray garlic ........... The

I say cod, but cod is better choice, but you want to make a stupid title that makes sense also attracted readers the sense of humor developed superiorly, the kind that can read the almanac Vermot in Latin, but also our loyal deviants of all stripes, it is therefore preferred that cod .... I know this morning we still ate at the clown ... ah ah, while frankly po are laughing, you cause so quickly and seriously the Interlocking Milling cod swimming in garlicky cream and mojettes Vendée
result of long reflection alone in the kitchen that brought us all to some conclusions about the art of personal accommodates a cod, the mainstay of the kitchen Louloutesque.
-first the Cuison: Enough 's enough to poach in the milk, why?
-ya never asser milk bottle, so it is lynched by pitites darling when we gat all the milk that was to go into the ugly little grain bf ', it was nice to try to explain that as little darling daddy in the morning you have to eat the tripe and drinking white wine to be great, beautiful and very intelligent .... uh .... is like uh ,..... Mr. Clean!, but daddy, Own the man is a gay icon ......, you know it we meet the p'tite wench! rahhhh AND THEN! it is high bo, intelligent, and very like him .... daddy, vouala it! otherwise I might very well say, tall, handsome and strong like ..... a gladiator! , Well what? M'regarde not like that ... it is the gladiator movies ........ I dunno where I wanted to come but short! Enough! poaching the cod! This time we'll cook it in lots of butter, and here we prefer the Voui full of butter, heat incorrect delights us .... what do you .... and we join all the other two pillars of garlic and fayot ! the perfect balance of history .... So
-cook mojettes Vendée (but why would you say to me mojettes? ... Well there was more than that in the closet of any kind ....., Péteux perfectly suited to our opinion) in chicken broth with onion, carrot, thyme and bay leaves, and a large head of fresh garlic after 10 minutes they released the head of garlic in a pouale it brings back a shallot is anchored white wine and reduced-
in the blender you put the shallots, garlic head, a ladle of Mojette of broth and pi ...... creeeiiiiiiiiiiiiiime of the recess, or you're new here what?
it shrivels up all this time that sounds like a kind of thick soup, filtered through a chinois a pinch of thyme and hop we keep warm
pouale cod-On low heat in lots of butter, but no! go ... yY half a plate that makes him ...., watered all the time with butter .... hummmm .... all of it
-In the bottom of a bowl: a ladle of Mojette tite, a generous helping of cream of garlic, the pad over and vouala foo! you can congratulate yourself and warmly to blow slaps on the back ..... still asking you how you were able to sack many dishes alone ....... bizard anyway. ....
Option 1: to stay in tune, it was accompanied with, in addition, small new potatoes from Noirmoutier .... butter
Option 2: The loneliness you terribly heavy it is high time to get a middle-class in the basement, his conversation being more enjoyable .....

Friday, April 4, 2008

Toshiba Refrigerator Thermostat

roomsteack to Greg "Pappy" Boyington

Revolution in the kitchen! vla we start by talking about wine before yum .... no but anything! would still not take a connoisseur to limit the shadow master Olif we venerate .... at all! we promise you! po will be repeated any time soon! But it is vouala few bottles, that when they cross our path, we are turning our heads and bully scholarship .... The Ducru is one of those there by a strange alchemy cérébralo-alcohol it takes us back to every once in a delicious infantile regression to the heyday of the late 70's where every after-dinner family glistening wet as it should, and then drop the R16 Dead (what a beautiful expression) on the national plane lined pranksters, the conversation drifted always (at least often) on the comparison between burgundy and maroon (the rest of the wine world then remained a "terra incognita" in the family) the burgundy and it hurts the head and the burgundy is still corked, it's too strong burgundy, but it's not acid! ect ect ..... This is where general Popa to put everyone agreed (or relaunch the debate until the Armagnac) Ducru he would seek in the basement, in principle, everyone stamped and made plenty of noise on the table with knives and glasses (Obviously like what some attitudes persist from generation to generation ....). and there, for cheese, or caprice of the gods Rambol nuts, what was I po very big and still beardless, I had the right to my glass of Mouton (probably thank me for staying so long at the table with all these brawlers while there was Papy Boyington on TV .....)
voilàdocteur, why when I see I'm the Doctor Ducru ..... thank you ava already better, Vui, Vouyer the scéance next, of course j'vous would probably why I hate mashed brown .......
So here we are in possession (and owned) a vintage 2001, two large glasses (those that break all alone in the dishwasher), a willing friend and, and ..... but what you eat! and bin quite simply one: Big piece of rumstèque grilled with butter maitre d'hotel
Immediately Ducru open and pour into the carafe which is nice to lose the cap , it is important to start hence, the rest my time very fast-
Remove butt barbaque (we are starting a small kilo for two parceke is very cold when he left) that clog qualified incredibly stale and exeptionnelle of tasty (for use with a flattering adjectives, we promire him burning stinging whip on his shoulders if the pitiful Gammon did not live up to its claims)
-Bakes patataleaux (Binjie LOUD please), peel (after cooking, it's boring , it burns his feet but it atch'ment better!) mash with a fork with lots of butter, milk and some raw cream ........ miracle without realizing it you ..... did the mash! and it biotifoule Vui!
-ignite Domfer under heavy cast iron plate that makes great labels on meat by cooking
-Mix the butter with salt pepper, finely chopped parsley a dash of lemon ...... second miracle of the evening! you just made a garlic butter with your own mimine Titus!
roomsteack cast-on cast iron, cooking ...... as you want as long as it's blue!
-Let stand, we slice end, bread and butter ..... and we made lots of noise while eating and typing on glasses with knives! gently bellowing: "Ramboll of walnut or I kill the dog!"

Ducru-And? How about me ..... bah ... good! although in our memory the 1970 was better .... what do you, while on the lam Pove my lady ......

3rd miracle of the evening heads burned just for you alone ...

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Homemade Dune Buggy Plans

Chateau Cheval Blanc 1986 ..... the perfect

Yesterday we received our friends John and Jackie Americans. As John is a big fan of French wine from Bordeaux (Parker knows he is saying something!)

We put the dishes in large! I prepared my famous Bigloulous under a new variation: white chicken, mayonnaise Espelette peppers, grilled onions, and county (Jacky loves French cuisine!)

And John (who is very familiar Parker!) Had released two good bottles: White Horse 1986 for bigloulous and a Chateau Latour 1970 for cheese (Jacky adddorrre French cheese!) John connoisseur of French wine from Bordeaux (he plays golf every Saturday with Parker) at the White Horse eaten with just a hint of Coca-Cola in, it was really dilicious. Everything went very well (John told us how it was playing baseball with Parker when they were small) I do not know why (the warm spring maybe) I put 3 or 4 ice cubes in my Coca-White Horse thin and there's gaffe (already me that the White Horse-I drink Coke rather half / half French we're a little rough around the edges) John was literally offended, he even said he would tell Parker that good because we can- rigor to tolerate but then lemon ice in the Coca-White Horse! never seen it! brief the evening was really fucking you even talked to Iraqis kebabs is saying something. They even left before the cheese (sorry Jackie, however there was your favorite Chaussée aux Moines). Besides the Chateau Latour 1970 was opened (Parker and he said ..) it's not bah serious because tomorrow I'll make spaghetti bolognese and it should be no trouble to make the sauce .......( to be continued ...)

Voui old and the old souvienent it may be, this post was already published on 01/04/2006 it was one of the first Louloudansla kitchen ....... devil time passes and we still Latour to the freezer would be a great time ..... 'make something rather than spend his time doing lapdance while listening to the Coasters

bin oh damn it did po published April 1 ...... my effect falls to Water

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Hair Salon Pest Analysis

Siphoning shrimp

Well, when a "friend" for which we have yet a lot of esteem and consideration began to invest in a trap, forcing the beginning we stayed a bit dubious, or even frankly septic, but what then will you fuck with something like that ..... and even worse when a friend suggested we try it and see, first, of course, is to politely refused, laughing a little, saying that: we never ate here moooonsieur this po bread there! that Espumas and other pignolades was not really our cup of tea ..... finally come to think a little, and drinking a little glass of white wine, we said: bah why not! As has siphon siphonnons anything in joy and good mood! we begin to sacrifice the small shrimps that are reserved for drinks and ended up in: creamy risotto ze sparkling pitites shrimps
how we in fact:-The
Rice, as usual, the Arborio, which is wetted slowly at first with white wine and chicken broth after, it's not complicated, but it's a bit long and should not stop toss, toss, toss always .....
-fry 2 or 3 shallots and a clove of garlic finely chopped exploded in butter, moisten with a little white wine and shellfish thoroughly, let bloublouter long it takes, and at the end add 94.6% for shrimp (keep the rest to do this shit to shell them, and do pretty)
we throw it all in the blender and zouuuuuuuu is reduced in crumbs, add lots of cream and rezouuuuuuuu j'te that churns a great time!, filtered really well, bicauze the trap has a hole to siphon all ti so if there are pieces that clogs all the time (we know what we are talking about), it fulfills the trap, and bang! , As Dirty Harry 2 cartridges are inserted into the gas bazard is little threat from anyone claiming to have the most powerful blow creating hands (it's always a small effect)
Meanwhile, we end the risotto incorporating a bit of parmesan, cream (and yes again ....) and pi butter to finish
-In Nassiet hollow: rice in the background, a great blow foam around it, in principle this is where we laugh when we fucks everywhere Splatch it is generally poorly siphon siphoned!
And pretty much peeled shrimp with small hands ..... eventually committed over
vouala And, you became a flick of the siphon new guru of the whole table dripping cream .......
This little white Crozes-Hermitage Chapoutier put all when the world agrees to the use of trap ....................