Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Wiring External Light Sensor

sauce foo

sauce machine is a magic trick, the trick has been discovered by chance in a bazaar
Japanese style, the interest of the gizmo is that we do not know what it's inside, so we try it with almost anything (salmon steak, chicken kebab, etc. .... it would make a whole book), pi after we organize some sort of quiz to table, everyone has their own opinion
specialist specialist that makes a good movie and it must be said that this season of papal overdose is more distracting than newscast live from Lourdes, excessive sanctity of the moment we would have taken him to eat but the cure is finally on a cute pig that lay plump and we dropped our devolved to this: Japoniaiserie pork sauce Machin, lemongrass and onions
The plump pig and lay people who donated their
loin, we hasten to cut into thin slices that will do this poualer direct fire of the devil in a large drop of oil "is sewage, and hop are soaked in the sauce foo fissa time:
-cut a large piece of ginger all piti cubes while end while end, mini, mini Voui is boring but important (sub-contracting the operation at a young curate, if you have it handy, it'll make her feet)
-like with three cloves garlic
-ditto with two branches of lemongrass-
Neither one nor two, throw it all in pouale we blew strongly hellfire (as the young sacristan's lap sir abbot) hop is added and the cute, foo sauce is allowed bloublouter time a paters Avenue and two at the last moment we will add the chopped onions, spring onions and finely sliced

will be served quickly with white rice as long as the whole table singing some very intrigued hymns in praise of the priest Camaret

Amen, he remains a bit flat in the

Point sacramental wine for this little piglet but green tea .... no? if! but not !..... anyway! you would swallow anything you! but hey we still gun at the photo .... too bad if
bin reread Zola .....

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Kundli Not Matched Nadi Dosh

Loulou returned too bad for Kermit ...........

Ohhhhh! incredibeulle and mervailllllable! Lulu is back! finally released, out of a big summer languor, back at the helm as they say in brief the media .... zotorisés revouala! for better or worse! up soon maybe .... Both computers
familly, who passed away this summer is simultaneously an iPod since lost on a deserted island that we try this new ticket that is a bit unlikely, therefore, a genocide of
Frog legs on coco bean puree with garlic and rosemary
Ah! frogs, as frogs kind of Titus, a day of the campaign is back in a little pair (y 'Vui had one with a bow tie and the other with a fatal error ... Juppet that 'We had already lived with hamsters long ago ...), all of the cute green that are on their crôacrôa ti lily (Vui's very chic here are water lilies in the pool) one day ..... ft. vla ti not think there's a whole family of frogs, even third cousins ... and more cousins they begin to eat the flowers of water lilies and to clog the pipes of the pool, uttering frightful croooooââââââ that frighten children ... neither one nor two we took our dip and hop towards the kitchen!
For sensitive souls and those who preferred poetry to biology lessons at school you will pass the stage of vivisection, it's basically like a pig but must be much more meticulous
here we are frog with a family reduced to the status of paws, unrecognizable ... although, po is the cousin ursule there .....
we keep the thighs, meaty as they say in the book ....
Those who want to see in that time they have cooked beans in coconut chicken soup with two or three cloves of garlic, branches of rosemary, peppercorns, after one, two, even six hours, finally the time that the beans are cooked, the coconut is very capricious, hop on any balance in the wizzzzzer and broooooouuuuuummmmm (yes it is not the same model as usual) puree, a little cream, a little olive oil and reserve it in the warm bath of marie
poualer we took the opportunity to market a few chanterelles and parsley to blend the garden (or the neighbors, given that they left the Canary with Spanair ....) with olive oil, it is beautiful because of the green oil is very likely in the short plate ...
rest legs cousin Ursula, hop, hop on the rolls in the flour and shoo the big pouale with lots of butter and a dash of lemon juice after cooking .... miller is said ....
the plate, the bottom is spread the coconut puree with garlic, above the legs and another cousin Ursula, the chanterelle a dash of green oil! and voila! tabeuuuuu quickly, bin Voui since May 12 it was getting hungry ......
KATONDONBU: a good thing, of course, but at that time that the unit is photo passed away also ...... so no trace of pretty white
PS: URGENT looking wizard (again), marabout, defrocked priest to remove a spell of suburban, references required serious , work fast and neat preference (mde Capela hate ironing the cloth after saba)
strong Compensation and discretion assured
Ps2: next time we go to the turtle soup .....

Monday, September 1, 2008

Elderly Ladies In Stockings

Voui ......... but much longer ......

Reveindra,? , Reveindra po? Well yes! He's back! Enbastillé unfairly and always under control sicatrik and incomprehensible to a sordid story of murder of crayfish during a stay in the suburbs of Ingalls, we have the immense pleasure to announce the reopening of immmminente this blog shortly soon ....................