Tuesday, January 12, 2010

White Bumps Palate Mouth

"The Revolt of the sentence to enjoy," or viewer in all its forms (Part 2) The Long Goodbye

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Oh but beware, there is the concept of "entertainment" , too. The decisive criterion ultimate unifier and peacemaker, which extinguishes all the controversies and decide all the Gordian knots of all branlottages constipatoires and neurotic seeking untoward 12:00 to 2:00 p.m.. But you take too much head, sir, come, you make a fuss, it's all to dream, is not serious, it's not serious : we are here for fun, take good time, forget the daily mor-howo-se. Forgive my intrusion but reassure me, it happens to you take your foot sometimes? The fun, enjoyment, you've heard? You drive or bandage you bandage soft?
Yeah. Bwoaf. The old anthem of the art as "evasion", "dream", "entertainment", sorry, I do not agree. "Yes but we must change ideas, should pass the time. "Sorry, I moved when I change my ideas, most often, it still gives me ideas. Worse, I feel locked into an idea, the idea that under the idea, there would be a blank area, wild, free the world of ideas. The real life what, pure feelings, something, perhaps, of childhood, we will say it, the child in us, who is moved, playing and having fun without asking too many questions, that is not contaminated by the seriousness of the stiff and starched world of big people, all those old children who do not know vaulted dream What the deuce has happened to them? Z'étaient storm and black rock, they broke their crystal ball, broke their desires, rendering banal? Which has stored flat in c'tiroir as a swordfish in a bathtub, but who?
fact remains that when I moved (do not worry, it's just one example, it happens ever) going to quell gossip with friends and a movie to change ideas, one in two chance that I will suffer martyrdom. Especially if the movie is stupid and even if his stupidity gives much food for thought.
should not lack a certain impudence, a certain contempt for happiness, the very concept of happiness, for daring to impose its next (and yourself) it literally exhausting to find it in a show that far from us air the heart and mind, we inflicted a concentrated sensory representations, values, ideas, codes, bombarding us with desire imbitable, air time, addressed to a socio-economic, socio-professional, social and family specific, and we're supposed to enjoy the spontaneous universality immediate rejoicing in the rite as a collective sharing and invigorating.
Ben not.

I would not play spoilsport and piss vinegar service, but of course, whether the tales of wizards battling the forces of evil wizards at school, or sagas more epic trolls armor, it still concerns our daily lives, it deals with very basic things of life everyday, it never goes to treatment first in our relationship with the world and others. And anyway, is "fun", even at the direction of Pascal is a very serious matter, perhaps the most important thing. That's why one puts so much energy and passion. The same desire of no death, what (thin, I hope I will not recite the entire directory Souchon. Besides, I think ever, Souchon, and I never put music on the keyboard when I branlotte ... )
short, "entertainment", it does absolutely nothing for me. There is not entertaining movies and movies non-entertaining. There is a proposal

experience, which necessarily and constantly active part of the game we have with all of the existing or phenomena, whatever the form proposed, and that is giving something, or does nothing, depending on whether it is successful or failure. criteria mobilized to assess the success or failure that fit themselves into this global report, they extend into the field of Judgement and criticism. And when I say "extend" is of course another way of speaking: this aspect of the sentence, thought, turning on itself, is always already implicated from head to foot in the experiment in question; she lives the viewer into its deepest passivity. in vain most of the Cartesian dualist will try to dissociate the "live" and "thinking". As of course, is precisely when one feels relieved, finally, the weight of thought on our feeling, celebrating the saying (falsely) hedonistic "primum vivere, deinde
philosophari ," we proceeded to self-segregation between wretched a "body-machine" and a "disembodied soul." To all the shots. But every time too, the reign of the ruthless "fun" will continue to instruct us to take good care - and again - to halve, to compartmentalize everything, under the fallacy formidable at this price and only on this condition, you will feel finally live. Reborn again. Finally, either. Moving on. Otherwise I feel I'll get upset, and that's not good for my blood pressure. Because you may have guessed from the outset, and I do not overstate this: I am, of course, the true hedonist, sensualist the full. I do not think nothing so much as to enjoy all my senses and all my perceptions on a scale consistent with the fullest consciousness, the more reflexive possible to taste all the nuances. So I hate any form of so-called "fun" to amuse me that this search for wholeness sensory affect its clarity. I therefore constantly mobilizes all the energy I have to stay away respects any barriers constraining this noble concern. That's what I call, me, the real expense: that you can enjoy the excess itself without suffer, therefore, even more than, not even in temperate zones, to the threshold where altered states of consciousness called can not be held due to lack of strength. "The beauty powerless hates the understanding, Hegel says, because it requires that it is unable to perform."
It makes me think, even if you move away a little of what it means Hegel, I have never been drunk in life. Not even a second. I never tried it. And I do not like the company of drunkards, and especially in the drunks who make a point of honor to tell you that if you refuse to stuff his mouth with them, you miss the basic laws of sociality, companionship and of festoyage. There's a funny thing is that many Internet users who read me sometimes, I noticed that, believe that I write completely wiped. There's even one who told me once, a Pole, but I say no name, not that I need to drink to be drunk. But no. It is, quite simply, inexorably, impossible. Finally, I touch wood.
How not to take - continue to boldly push open doors, for that matter, since for many they have apparently been closed long ago - that the "fun" sought and obtained in the "entertainment" in sense of self oblivion, the oblivion

of everyday life, is nothing but a manifestation of pain: the pain precisely to feel separated from himself, his power, hence the urgent injunction to forget the pain, to bury, to create a diversion. Finally, good, "the stunner," whatever. It why, of course, I am in solidarity with workers around the world. I have campaigned doggedly for the inalienable right of everyone not to be alienated from all forms of forcing it to split itself, condemning them to distinguish the order of entertainment and an order of the bond. It is my privilege, of course. It is also the result of a work of uncertain gender, which I will not dwell here. Otherwise one might think that I beg for thanks.
What I'm trying to say is the rest what is expressed - in a different way - a Deleuze, when an attack Lacanian doxa (rather than Lacan himself, "have to laugh alone"), which teaches - while generating the plan Clinical countless and endless linguistic and existential neuroses pathological smart enough - that "what is missing" in the renewed desire forthwith to failure perpetual enjoyment, which is law. And here again we must not be mistaken. When Deleuze reminds us that "the lack refers to a positivity of desire and the desire not to a lack of negativity
" (Dialogues, p. 110), it does not, of course, the apostle of heedless consumption and spontaneous fun we like to introduce ourselves as a caricature, it does not more (no offense to some clergy professing the pulpit claimed under the patronage of the Master of Berlin, that Deleuze's thought would be a temptation ... fascist, no less) the opponent of Hegel or the negative thinkers, the negativity as a motor, spring power of the Spirit Life is like grasping, seizing identity as happened to the immediacy and mediation:
"Sleep is a desire. Walking is a desire. Listening to music or make music or write well wishes are. A spring, a winter desires. Old age is also a desire. Even death. The desire is never to interpret, he is experimenting. So we objected some very unfortunate. We are told that we return to an old cult of pleasure, a pleasure principle, or a conception of the party (the revolution will be a party ...). We oppose those who are unable to sleep, either from within or from without, and who have neither the power nor the time, or who have neither the time nor the culture of listening to music or the ability to walk or to enter into catatonia, except in the hospital or who are subject to an age, a terrible death in short all those suffering: those not "miss" them of anything? And above all it is objected that the lack subtracting the desire and the law, we can no longer invoke a state of nature, a desire that would be really natural and spontaneous. We are saying quite the opposite: there desire agency or engineered. You can not grasp or conceive a desire out of an arrangement determined on a plan that does not exist before, but must itself be built. That each group or individual, construct the plane of immanence, where he leads his life and business is the only important case. Out of these conditions, you are missing because of something, but you miss precisely the conditions that make a possible desire. (
Dialogues, p. 115, Champs / Flammarion, 1977) "

Concerning certain bourgeois rentiers, nepotism and plump leading treatment employed in county libraries and polished with Finitec where I do not ever fuck a shoe, insane poison of the serpent with feathers will be administered by the hour, cool. Me 'll turn their fair'faire a t'tit at sea .. And it will pay for the whole clan. The whole clan.

But back to what we are rather amuses us because it forward, and vice versa. In most films, say, "fantastic" (this is my favorite genre, that's why I talk so little: I'm too afraid to speak evil. [... ] Mh How? Well that's your opinion and I respect it), a significant part of my happiness is to find material to light, decrypt my daily life. Not "forget", but to remember it otherwise. I would add, often remember something this newspaper has been forgotten, I look at this forgotten film through the machine or something. Finally, well, everybody knows that. As recalled by some, forgetting is inseparable from the question of Being itself, which continues to rest with us at the bottom of his forgetfulness Constitution. You have to forget, but to some form of oversight that is to always remember that there is forgotten. An unforgettable, forgotten, according to a formula that I like Lyotard.

Got slipped not long ago the complete trilogy of LOTR (short version). It's bath to immerse themselves in a time of long duration. Of course, I unplugged the nerve center for pointing me too. For the base, the universe and the theme raised the interest me experience of feeling as far as making hoods of garden gnomes in a documentary on the 1870 Alsatian folklore.
Disconnect the neuron, the rest is what I always do when I watch a movie, let us be clear. For to end this affair entertainment, and to repeat all this otherwise, not only is there not entertaining movies and movies non-entertaining "qualitative" or "non-qualitative", but the layer called "sense" or "intellective" - existential meta, psychological, social, political, whatever you want - do not add to the layer "fun" - or at least "affect" - as a second layer in a pancake or a candy kiskoule. It's all in one, it goes entirely by intuition receptor, which is already synthetic, as everyone knows. It can not walk, it said, with a minimum quality or richness in the material at any level whatsoever, even in the idiocy assumed. Otherwise, of course it's physically impossible: a degree of stupidity is not bearable, these are things we feel and god knows we have a tolerance very elastic.

Well I gotta say I Kiff. Say, a little after 2am duraille, music flûtiau there, it started out I knead the cauliflower, the worse I became attached to characters, hyper-concerned with all that, the quest, the walk, while the bazaar. Even at the end I was really excited and everything, I cried like a calf. But hey, I cry too easily, it is question of provision in certain circumstances where I feel more than a thin translucent membrane that flutters between subject and object. A state of near nervous exhaustion sometimes allows this porosity. Attention, a more or less desired and vaguely directed, eh, cf. above. I can also see a Godard, for example, that in this state, I confess, and in those moments, I understand everything , otherwise it gets on my system, Godard, in general, for example. In these moments, be said, the mere contemplation of a bicycle passing on the street might upset me to the depths of the A-ha-me.

Otherwise, I also wanted to add something about Raymond Depardon.

Raymond Depardon crashed on serious Resident Evil 5.

We were promised it would give new luster to the franchise by Shinji Mikami taking orders RE5. Do you! He has concocted an artificial sub-Duke-Nukem doomlike way Paul-Emile Victor, full of bugs compression, aliasing, raster to death.
To say that the engine of the PS3 is not used: in only slight exaggeration, it's like back to the time of Hatari 2600. Then we tightens the concept of game-play as pourrave, who had already sealed the ER "Outbreak" of evil memory. Two characters interacting (in Outbreak was worse, it was 15 to stepping on it, worse than in Nashville), supposedly from the perspective of the game "networking", but damn, RE, it will not play on a network, it is not mind at all! You have to be alone with your console, for many feel the nirvana thing, this feeling of danger, panic, abandonment, glaucité claustrophobic. Mistake, then.

especially as the personal Shiva, issue management of AI is a disaster, you've constantly in the legs and in the visor, it shoots anything that moves, indiscriminately, anyhow, and besides, it is useless since declined drastically the level of difficulty, although it was perfectly fitting with the immersion principle: when it's harder when you risk more death, more you get involved in the screenplay, your senses are multiplied. So good, under the pretext of making the game accessible to lambda gamer who wants to waste time to tame the pad, we sacrifice the intensity, tension.

Same for the checkpoints: missing, gone. The principle of backups with the typewriter, it was perfect, yet it gave meaning to the linearity of graduated steps, while preserving the principle respiration and contraction. There, not only you can die an infinite number of times and start exactly where you've been dead, but you can restart the level for you recharge Medoc and ammunition well beyond what is necessary. it means nothing. How do you get involved if you do not have to manage carefully and sparingly your inventory, and if your death is more detrimental? Well no, not care, y'z'ont scrap the briefcase bags, and therefore more upgrades of the suitcase for shopping. Anything, it feels like Altman: The Triumph of I m'enfoutisme lazy, watch the vagueness, the soft belly, approximate disconnected.

No, the general view, Resident Evil 4 remain the swan song, the ultimate horror-survival of the new millennium. Albeit those who think gray-mine is claiming that the spirit of RE was betrayed with a view "action adventure" buggers. But this is wrong, obviously. You really knowing anything about the art videogame to support such nonsense: RE 4, it's still survival of high-end, the highest range, even.

OF Moreover, it is Jacques Rozier officiating the pre-prod. There they knew where they advanced: timing, accuracy, balance between tension and relief, action and contemplation. Musardises not useless, but not excessive bourrinage either. Only here: Rozier is not a handle, that's all there is no secret. It is the Japanese-German school is Wenders seventies period Ozu + + + Herzog Kiyoshi Kurosawa. Depardon is the Franco-LA: Schumacher is Besson + + + Aja Bay. Farmers, rednecks, whatever.

(Well, I say that, I just looked closely at the video-real-time test of Hooper on You Tube. Y me would never dream of buying a PS3)


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