Monday, February 7, 2011

Integrated Animation Means

What future for manastère Aniane?

Abbey Aniane became national property in 1791. It was the end of the millennial history of a great Abbey which becomes a spinning linen, cotton ... After his bankruptcy in 1843, the State leased buildings in 1845, into a central prison in force and correction.
To reassure and protect the population, the municipality built a barracks to house the army to oversee the conduct of prisoners and ensure the safety of Aniane.

In 1885, the plant is decommissioned and became a colony for juvenile delinquents. The army withdraws from Aniane. The Department of Justice will occupy the premises of the old abbey until 1994, officially closed in 1998.

class to Aniane. Henri Manuel cliché, NCSF-collection PJJ

life of the inhabitants of Aniane was marked by these events. Collective memory is not expressed but present. The closing of the convent had been replaced by the prison fence. Subsequently, some children of the colony settled in the village. Part

village built around the Abbey is very dense. The houses which had been a certain lack of interest in the sixties to eighty with the construction of villas in the urban extensions, reinvested and are now occupied by new residents. These new families, usually with young children, looking for spaces larger urban center in the old, old houses with few places open.

The challenge of the rehabilitation project of the Abbey of Aniane will make this space closing an open space, social life and re-appropriation of history.


In this context, the rehabilitation of buildings of the abbey is an opportunity to devise a unique monument reuse and from an overall approach métadisciplinaire "to give the project quality and intellectual coherence and unite partners public and private.

Abbey historically positioned itself as a place of production multipolar spiritual place, a place of discovery, place of living and place of intellectual and artistic creation. The combination of these different dimensions of the abbey is, historically, an engine of development and development planning.

The proposed reuse and preservation of this building is thus organized around the following: • A project
culturelUn cultural project
• A proposed project accueilUn Home
• A project urbainUn urban project


Given the current building will be asked to chief architect of historic monuments to establish a bailout of all copyrighted material.

curettage operations, consolidation, re-roofing or exclosure parts will protect the building pending its final redevelopment.



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