Thursday, October 23, 2008

Water Jet Unit Homebuilt

New Louloumobile ... finally a solution to the crisis would po

the sidelines of the few insiders who could admire the last auto show of the great palace, we are pleased and proud to present you a world exclusive first car finally actually revolutionary Inova, which permanently relegates to the rank of oxcart the rest of the world production I named: "THE Louloumobile" no it is not a sea serpent th output rantings of any Professor Tournesol but a reality real soon available in your dealership "Louloumobile" Nearest ....
Finally a reality: Isue many years of sustained research has mobilized many researchers and scholars including the famous Dr. Von brouum the "Louloumobile" is finally the first car powered by the fuel cell must now "sauvignon" in effect as recall the brilliant Designer: "For several years we have tested many fuel and it appears given the latest results that Sauvignon remains the most vivid and most nervous fuels (...) prometeurs tests are shown with the Carignan problems unwieldy and softening during extended testing in a real environment "
Bench testing of power are clear: nearly 26 horses with only 24 bottles" fuck devil is just unbelievable! "exclaimed professionals occupation, aghast at such results

The secret of the beast beneath the bonnet: 4 cases of Sauvignon lodged between the wheel and the wall firewall, weight distribution is ideal, and mischievous temperament contributes to the machine

The body of the "Louloumobile" was the subject of the greatest care, and nothing is left to chance, between classicism and cutting-edge sharp, lots of chrome, bold portrait of the four reverse opening allowing easy and graceful suicide of front seat occupants, to ice essuis single speed " to handle "allowing all pleasures, two headlights complement the" swarm "of small details that make this car the" must "in good taste and elegance "French". Safety belts are useless of course seen the real feeling of helplessness that emerges from the whole face a heavy weight that will double by wearing outrageously plates Portuguese ....
Mrs. Capela, client history of the brand "Louloumobile" lends itself to a humorous game of souvenir photo in front of the concession "Henri Bourgeois" Chavignol she tells us with a smile: "really I changed my fiat 500 leather interior and sunroof Hermes against the new "Louloumobile" and I'm zozanges! (...) My only regret it .... is not black!, but what a pleasure to fill up at Mr. Bourgois (...) always well received and more for my new "Louloumobile" They offered me a really late harvest (...) Even with my Aston-Martin I've never been so well received (...) I can not imagine the madness when I received my special series "Celine "....

Luxury, tranquility, sensuality, and sobriety ..... summarizes the true qualities of the new batteries to Louloumobile Sauvignon. Quiet but still sporty as the measures of the timers are there: less than 2 '21 "to 45 ... the rise of the "Quote Dann" here is truly outstanding performance ... and all this with "only a bottle ... and two three .... dung" as Mrs. Capela reminds knows, and yet "we can "Crusader" Poppa on the N7 with lots of blissful smiles for our dear pandores frustrated not being able to secure such a fireball .....

2'21 "45 on the" symbol of Dann "very fine performance mde Capela savor the feat, the pilot is recovering slowly (not pictured)


After the effort ... comfort

nothing like a coconut salad with marinated salmon as captain hadock or with poached egg for those (the one) who rafolle po too fish ....

and feet as they say in runners: " full throttle!"

mde Capela Really what is this hat!


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Holly Willoughby Fake Pic In Paper

y'en a little too ......

That's about what the last guest still conscious to say before the turn of the eye and nose dive into his plate visible to the cheeseboard how .... this one has done too much! pfffffff! what do you there is wet and windy Sunday when women then draw the vacuum, we were locked up in the kitchen and stayed there until the end of the domestic turmoil to be prepared: Ode to the Coconut Paimpol and other marine delights
Open: ramekins of salmon tartare with apple like there but with a new option: "Savora" ... we will come back soon

and foremost for what happens later in harmony, it is essential to shell beans coconut paimpol and have them cooked in chicken stock bay with garlic and peppercorn .... well let's start with Chop full of vegetables, peppers, fennel, onions, tomatoes ... etc ... YAPUKA !.... and after spending the afternoon ...
Act One: Invalid squid in mustard on his vegetables crisp vegetables: red and green peppers, fresh onion, fennel arch-cut menu, most of coco beans and a little garlic ti .. . all jumped strongly to the pouale olive oil ... The squid: how checkerboard of jolie scarification (Yerkes, Yerkes) and hop to pouale also for 30 seconds on each side ... ohhh it makes pssssiiiiiichhhhh .... and after are fine ..... zécailles it spread with dressing and garlic mustard + cayenne mooui .... it rocks a little palace .... Tagada! all the guests smile at you politely and a little more redemendent Chablis ...

Act Two:

mullet fillets on the same vegetables and vinaigrette with livers : and yes! Most observers noted that although it is recycled the same Pitis vegetables and presto! seen or known to ultimately very little to do except that poualer fissa mullet fillets without fat (sorry dear Lili, sometimes this happens to us ... but fortunately this is rare). .. hop hop! on vegetables warm, top dressing without mustard but with the liver of mullet before poualé and deglaze with sherry vinegar and voualllla ... in under 3 minutes flat .... already impressed the diners applauded wildly .....
Act Three: Fried Sweetbreads
its fine puree with coconut chanterelle
Po resonance everything you tell me something .... Think again! toucon still tell you a little pretentious ... well again ... and we recyle Voui the beans .... it is! So you shove them in a blender with pan juices, a tablespoon of cream and butter ..... wissssssssser feet as usual and hop in the bottom of a plate, it pouale few chanterelle, and you cook small nuts sweetbreads in a lot full of butter (ahhhhh ... finally) we balance all this over mashed potatoes (I see giggling in the background ....) and presto! be served in two three capers and graceful zabilles while everyone stands up for you dedicate a well deserved hola ... even if some wonder if a bit much by chance on an alien saucers sneezing ..... Harg, the Suddenly, parsley juice ... ok next time we will avoid!
While everyone relaxes in the table, loosening his belt and reapply for a second box of Chablis ....
you only have now to be the final blow, with few to be the trick too, but hey, it was for those who do not like sweetbreads .... then you end up:
Act Four:
skate wing with capers and lemon confit on a bed of young charlotte
The line it is cooked in bouillon, you peel we éfiloche, yuck, it sticks around, but hey we finally keep warm, is cooked in their jackets charlotte small fields, it ti po mimi it .... ,
they are cut in half the pouale you put butter (oh yes again) and it brings back a lemon confit and capers large (mde Capela said female is "big caper" know ... not) diced .... a little lemon juice to deglaze the potatoes in the dish, stripe top, lemon butter, finally some butter croutons .... ah ah! that is where they began to make clever moin ....
and once the picture of plonk is correct ... KATONDONBU: Chablis master Olif recess! what a question! , Also santenay worse! but not!

go the next time we will make the meat promised .....
In any case it is true that his sweater is beautiful .....

Ps: So says the bin has not been easy to publish this one! sorry for those whom we saw yesterday in preview!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Travesti Parno Vidiosu

world trade burger .... we were lying! The cute

was a typical Friday night, and like every Friday to prepare our bodies and our minds to the call of tarot cards, it was burgers.

The discovery of a good Rioja held with our senses awake and tenfold, the inspiration was there, the muse of "creative" we touched the finger, it felt short on leg! So full of crap, so we created some new and equally wonderful burgers we were not a little proud of the impact of photographs is self-evident in the middle of this speech without much consistency is not it?
so small one:-The special "girl" with bread and sauce separately:

The special "manly man in the prime of life" with Dual raclette cheese, Dual beef, pork lard, and ...... the tite green leaf salad to please the girl mentioned above, because despite everything he does pay attention to his five fruits and vegetables manly man: 2 bottles of white, calva, a pear brana ,.... tite and leaf salad that goes well .... we must admit that some still prefer the deviant to take part, tite lettuce leaf ..... pffff j'vous swear!

The special "bypass" for "manly man with depressive decided to end once and for all with its problems of Coroner: The same as previously
plus twice any .... we add lots of mayonnaise sauce from all over .... and we will take good care to burn the meat ... it's better!, we keep a little salad to weave a crown .. ...
And voila! very nice night starter ... when suddenly ... patatra, the flash of genius! a too hot oven rack, a glass overflow hop .... and this is our best burger creation of the evening: "World trade burger yesh .... it speaks for it .... is not it Mr. Don Diego de la Vega ..... Zoli is very ..... it all .....

And then let's not forget that soon the auto show ......