Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Travesti Parno Vidiosu

world trade burger .... we were lying! The cute

was a typical Friday night, and like every Friday to prepare our bodies and our minds to the call of tarot cards, it was burgers.

The discovery of a good Rioja held with our senses awake and tenfold, the inspiration was there, the muse of "creative" we touched the finger, it felt short on leg! So full of crap, so we created some new and equally wonderful burgers we were not a little proud of the impact of photographs is self-evident in the middle of this speech without much consistency is not it?
so small one:-The special "girl" with bread and sauce separately:

The special "manly man in the prime of life" with Dual raclette cheese, Dual beef, pork lard, and ...... the tite green leaf salad to please the girl mentioned above, because despite everything he does pay attention to his five fruits and vegetables manly man: 2 bottles of white, calva, a pear brana ,.... tite and leaf salad that goes well .... we must admit that some still prefer the deviant to take part, tite lettuce leaf ..... pffff j'vous swear!

The special "bypass" for "manly man with depressive decided to end once and for all with its problems of Coroner: The same as previously
plus twice any .... we add lots of mayonnaise sauce from all over .... and we will take good care to burn the meat ... it's better!, we keep a little salad to weave a crown .. ...
And voila! very nice night starter ... when suddenly ... patatra, the flash of genius! a too hot oven rack, a glass overflow hop .... and this is our best burger creation of the evening: "World trade burger yesh .... it speaks for it .... is not it Mr. Don Diego de la Vega ..... Zoli is very ..... it all .....

And then let's not forget that soon the auto show ......


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