Saturday, July 10, 2010

How To Clean Lily Padz

THPE - Leibar & João Luís Carrilho Seigneurin

following a recent operation of public housing high performance energy Bègles signed Leibar and Seigneurin. It is a building housing R +4, whose apartments are all traversing east / west. To ensure performance "THPE" The building is made entirely of poured concrete, a material with high thermal inertia. Clean site, construction accurate.
east side corridors are lined with pots of flowers, painted white. Not really local style, but the writing is neat. West side, the balconies have a double skin glass panel mobile, allowing the summer to open balconies, and winter to store heat.
Without being the most original operation (the architecture should it be original?), These units have the advantage of being well designed and properly conducted. Small details of separation, or processing angle of cantilever reinforced this impression. Like what, architecture Labelled can still surprise us! I will refrain, however, discuss the background and neighboring operations, they border on ridiculous and carry high the banner of abjection.

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