Tuesday, September 28, 2010

House Feels Dry, Humidity Is High

View on an era - Julius Schulman

Case Study House # 20, Altadena, 1958, Buff, Straub & Hensman

It with pleasure that I present these pictures of Julius Schulman, arguably the greatest American photographer of modern architecture. He died last year at the age of 98 years, but his work has been widely celebrated, particularly through the latest book about him: Julius Shulman, Modernism Rediscovered, 3 Vols. Taschen.
Friend of the greatest architects like Neutra, Soriano or Koenig, he tackles serious architectural photography in the '40s, and performed with such talent on the program of Cases Study Houses.
Schulman has also contributed to the success of these famous buildings, through his incredible photographs. He has succeeded not only to celebrate an architecture that I tend to regard as the pinnacle of modernity, but he has also managed to bring a unique perspective, see fun, a fascinating time. The atmosphere of his pictures reflect deeply this time. I let you judge for yourself same.
A film is also dedicated to him: http://www.juliusshulmanfilm.com/

Case Study House No. 22, Los Angeles, 1960 Pierre Koenig

Case Study House No. 22, Los Angeles, 1960 Pierre Koenig

Case Study House # 21, Los Angeles, 1958 Pierre Koenig


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