Wednesday, October 27, 2010

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Badiou thinks the film on TV

Yesterday at Taddéi.

First surprised by the curious arrangement of plates:

- Part of the issue ("Sarkozy why is it so unpopular?") Bringing the expected customer showeuse talk. We were treated to the usual exchange of ideas, that is to say, formulas sound between pro and contra ;

- second part dealing with a head-to-head sieved with Badiou; stakeholders meeting before remaining on the north side of the plate
and their silhouettes in the dark, such stick insects in a vivarium.

Printing odd, therefore, a concern of upholstery, as if to ensure the non-communicability: policy on the one hand, aesthetic other.
Badiou does not wish perhaps an effect of "scrambling" for this session promote her latest book on 'movies'?
Whatever the motive or source of such mutual decision between the leader and philosopher, it provoked an unpleasant effect of "derealization" of speech.

Especially in this area, we were treated, one must admit, a rather appalling parade of generalities and platitudes. After the tete-a-tete with promotional advertising Finkielkraut. By dint of putting too much water in his wine, there is less and less wine, is known.

Should Badiou called to tell us that what is great in westerns of John Ford, it is the wide open spaces provide a framework for the demonstration of the most basic human passions, or Clint Eastwood in "Dirty Harry" embodies the universal figure of mending the Lone Ranger "holes in the law"? What
filmmakers like Eastwood or Ford, despite their tunes handed bullies and white hunters have the black heart that leans to the left?

"Grandpa is resisting" is all in all a good movie (it's true), and we laugh without a second thought because the vulgarity of the line (in collaboration Jugnot Gestapo) falls within the excess and that 'excessively has its place in the economy of comic cinema. Yes, certainly. But where is the exaggeration? I thought it was funny because at the edge of the hyper-realism, but hey, that's me.

sex (like violence), admittedly, is a topic of interest great humanity of all time, and as in Greek tragedy, they necessarily operate to treat human passions captured at their peak. Lady, yes. It must be said however that the event of sex in its entanglement with the love that moves is a very poor film. Most often, yawn, and we want to say, okay, okay, you know, get out of bed and just go after. This is my faith well observed.

The excerpt from "Crash" Cronenberg, with Arquette relying on the hood and slowly up her skirt to show off her braces designated by Philippe Starck, attention was rather soft, Taddéi accurate. Yes, but "limit, anyway" Badiou responds with a smile and mischievous eyes curly Brother Toc. For a brief moment, I had a hallucination sensory thought I saw Pierre Bellemare.

Note also that "lovers crucified" by Mizogushi, though tied up and promised the unspeakable murder, wear a face stiff with ecstatic happiness. Subversive power of love. Ferry would agree.

In conclusion, the Cinema is a major art of our time, the most popular of all, stirring all the other arts at a point of extraordinary efficiency, and it looks beautiful and poignant works. From around 7 to 77 years, we moved, we laugh and we cry. It is not nothing.

is a scandal that the study of cinema is not on the agenda of every school. But that soon the program going, we will be able to admire and Gertrud Jugnot Flon "trip to Rome," a masterpiece of new wave.

short, it's great. I'm not sure at the time of the deceased "broth" Pivot, Toscan du Plantier and Philippe Labro would not have said much the same thing.

All this had its own little side "Romain Rolland", with a touch of aristocracy.
imaging of the philosopher in moving the "untimely", hovering above the cyclical concerns of the plebs. At a time when the event of "speaking", confiscated by the rhetoric of Multi poodles television, would doubtless have been desired.

Then, of course, when we reached a venerable age and we have a considerable body of work, it has the right to relax and enjoy themselves a bit in passing on TV. And if sufficient to blow dry it so Luc Ferry pass incontinent to sell their salad, why do we interfere in the end?


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