Friday, December 24, 2010

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Cravant The dungeon, a medieval heritage and Prison

Village of the Yonne, Cravant is marked by an important medieval heritage.
Indeed, this medieval village of 830 inhabitants had a rather rich history during this period. The Battle of Cravant of 1423 has been a particular event important during the Hundred Years War. This is one of the first battles after the Treaty of Troyes of 1420 was broken. It ended with a victory against the English-Burgundian.

The Dungeon Cravant (source: )

Plaque commemorating the Battle of the dungeon near Cravant (source: )

The Dungeon Cravant is built in the early fourteenth century. It is a centerpiece of the old fortifications of the village. It is fast in prison for the diocese Auxerre. The Knights Templar were locked up in the late thirteenth century and early fourteenth century. It still retains, on the walls of jails, graffiti made by these knights prisoners. From the fifteenth century, the tower serves as a prison but also a lookout tower and manor house. Despite the lack of defense system, the tower is used during the Hundred Years War and the religious wars of the sixteenth century. In the eighteenth century, the tower is transformed and is no longer used as residence. In 1991, the dungeon Cravant is classified as historical monuments, historic medieval more for his interest in prison.

The dungeon which makes it unique octagonal turret, stands on four levels. Upstairs, the room has a huge Gothic fireplace and served as home to the jailer and then to sergeant. During the Revolution, this room was also used to hold municipal meetings. This is the second floor you can see the jail. It also stores supplies and weapons. Later, this level was used as rooms for the canons of passage. In the basement, you can see the foundations of the keep sinking more than 17 meters, and the latrines are not forgotten as it was believed for a long time.

The tower and an octagonal turret (source: )

Today the tower is privately owned. Colette Bechet, the owner, is passionate about very attached to the heritage of Cravant. It ensures proper maintenance of the tower but also to know all the secrets, as shown in the following article about research on the famous dungeon of oblivion. She also tries to open the site to the public whenever possible. The owner of a tour of the dungeon during the heritage days but also by appointment when it is present on the site. These are the basement and the Gothic hall that are open to visitors. In summer, the tower hosts exhibitions which will keep the site open to visitors.

article by Jean Pasquier, "A still mysterious dungeon" in Yonne Republican 1999 (source: )

A keep-up home 'in the twentieth century (source: )


Fact Base Mérimée
Defense Association Heritage cravantais:
Union initiative between inter-Cure & Yonne


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