Thursday, March 27, 2008

Boat Steering How To Connect

Noel balcony ... the Easter Pig! The

Oulala! shame! more than a month without giving a new, non di dieu but then what happens in this kitchen? I ask you ?............ bin .... nothing! or rather, nothing new in any case, there is a tendency to revise the classics, at the moment, given the time! deep stew, cassoulet stews and large, the basic of simple, good course, but especially in the po beautiful picture! and therefore each time the noble estet (I did not say no but the Estèbe ...) that we sleep, prevents us to publish vulgar Ratas. good and bad as the bottom of a box is found in a menu, a meal (?) in which the back (back?) grandmother was invited .... it was July 25, 1900 (if someone was there and remembers fillet of beef Palmarium let me know! complete information will also be handsomely rewarded if you live on the side of the Villier beautiful and you have some friends who play with bottles gas ....) and we bêêêêêtement it into his head to repeat the same! But hey, at the third attempt, half of the guests had already turned the eye even before the "cold-hot-quail beautiful view" we thought it was finally ft. not be a good idea .... and that before proceeding he had surely equip everyone corset worthy of name ... have not yet found on any Ibai, we are reduced to wait Sausage Morteau and lenses graisoullettes

Aha! you told you so's "basic" and "fat" right now is what we need!
-lenses: real puy avé the red dot, cooked in broth with onion, a carrot, finely diced, fried bacon and breakfast after 30 minutes and take 2 ladles wisssssser the blender with lots of cream "raw" .. ... remix with the rest of lentils, magic! well here they become plump lenses (I have not invented Elsewhere there q'ua see the name " plump" ) The big-
Morteau, we will apprement discussed with his favorite deli they put say 20 minutes to cook in water ........... quivering slice it thin and presto! on the lenses and PIS IS ALL ..... !
here with that simple brouilly a ti .......

good bad if someone in size corsets .... uh ....... 42!


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