Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Chennai Airtel Landline Telephone Directory

school in the 2000 micro-organisms per minute (approximately)

10:40 p.m.. I listen in the headphones i want you "Lawrence Zyvoul the flamboyant Gothic tower pop dancing.
We rang the doorbell.
Damn, that it may well be at this hour?
The education minister of the French community in person of himself, following my letter of application for guns promo 2010?
Damn, I hope it is not aut'zigue last week, an alumnus of the faculty, whom I meet every two years and that keeps me informed of the progress of work (after solving the squaring of the circle together, the mystery of pi, and disrupted the passage of the laws of modal logic, a decisive step was taken, with applications in the industrial sector of the office: a new bivalent logic non-adversarial destroying the illusions of Western metaphysics, and incidentally inspired by the thinking of Auguste Comte. Vazy Marcel, let go of the piece, you want the right end, there).

I lean out the window.

There's a strange guy at the bottom near the door, I've ever seen in my life.

The perfect lookalike for Germain Dufour, but not the favorites. And younger.

So it is not common. Especially since I rarely think to Germain Dufour.
For those who do not know, Germain Dufour Liege is a Capuchin monk became Senator Ecolo then communist candidate and then returned priest. Then after I do not know, we know more. Finally, if it is put in google it is currently " vicar Sunday attached to the parish-Wasmes Audemetz-Briffoeil in the entity Péruwelz " (it's not blank. And all I'll tell below, it's absolutely true too). You could see him sometimes on the market place, barefoot sandals, like Jesus. But it's not him. Dufour is not.

- You are sir Pericolosospore? What makes me.
- Yes, it's me.
- Good evening sir Pericolosospore, sorry to disturb you at this hour. I'm myself Pericolosospore. I want to talk with you and ask you if you want to join the new political party that I created for the next election.
- sorry, I understand nothing about what you telling me there (it's windy). If you'll wait a few minutes, I descend.

I go down.

- Here. Forgiveness. Yes, sir, it's for?
- You are very Pericolosospore sir?
- Yes I am Pericolosospore, there is no problem, it's me (shiver in the spine: it found me, the bastards. There's the truck parked below .. .)
- I am a Pericolosospore too.
- Oh, you're a Pericolosospore? How come you know that I am a Pericolosospore?
- Because I rang your name.
- Yes, that makes sense. [...] You sound all Pericolosospore?
- Yes.
- You look in the directory?
- Yes (mischievous smile, then: pepete)
- So So, that's ... uh ...
- The political party.
- That is to say?
- The Green Party-Nationalist-Wallon.
- What's that?
- is the party that I founded.
- It's strange, as the name.
- No, this is normal: that is ecology, nationalism and Wallonia.
- Yes, but it does not go well together, that.
- If it goes together, why?
- Well, look, I do not know me. How you can be an environmentalist and nationalist, first?
- This is normal: it is the roots. It's origins.
- Ah, you're an ecologist in this sense ... You search for your roots?
- No, I want to defend my roots. It is important roots.
- It's not at all clear, if I may. And what is your roots?
- Firstly, my roots, because I'm Pericolosospore.
- Oh. Your roots, it Pericolosospore. You want to build the party of Pericolosospore.
- I begin by Pericolosospore is logical, right?
- Yes, well, it makes sense, if you want. [...] You have contacted many Pericolosospore already?
- Yes, two.
- And what they said?
- Finally, that is ... The first one left three months ago. The second was absent for four hours.
- So, you could not talk to them?
- No.
- So I'm the first Pericolosospore to whom you speak.
- Yes, in that sense you're the first (grin. Hence: re-pepete)
- You know it's very strange, even bizarre, your case ?
- No, it makes sense.
- Let me tell you that you it may seem logical. But it can not be for everyone. So. In summary. You want to build the Green Party Walloon nationalist, and you start by Pericolosospore Pericolosospore as yourself. This is the basis.
- Yes, it is based.
- Okay, go. I must admit that your approach is quite comical. You are a supporter of Dadaism or Surrealism? Come on, it's a hoax, go. Where is the camera hidden? I know you, right? You're the forum ... finally, ... Balthazar Claes you! (I point a finger on a scanner button on her jacket that is more like a parka raintex).
- (grin) No, no, this is not a joke. This is very serious. It is a Walloon nationalist party environmentalist to fight the foreign Islamic fundamentalists and terrorists.
- Ouhlà, ouhlà. Wait wait, there. What is the history of ecology extreme right there. It's anything there. Who ... What foreigners, first? They're nonsense, all that, you're right in the fantasy, there is ... is, where you got this speech, you Gobez all the crap you watch on TV or read in the newspapers, or I do not know ...
- No no, just see what happens, I look around me, I just looking around. This is my personal experience, I mean what I know.
- What, how are you, what experience? Know of any foreign fundamentalists? Did you see the terrorists? Wait wait ... I believe, and forgive me if I bullies you, but you know, finally, anyway, you're delusional, then you know, anyway, right?
- No no, it's reality. My name Pericolosospore and Pericolosospore is a Belgian name. I am Belgian, you are Belgian. It's in the genealogy.
- No no, but wait, there. I'm barely Belgian, eh, me. Pericolosospore is that half of my name. I am abroad, I am Egyptian and the other half. If it is, I am a terrorist.
- No, you are Belgian, it shows that you are Belgian, you are born here, you're a Pericolosospore, so you have blood in Belgium. We, the Pericolosospore our side Celtic origins, and Vikings, too.

(Okay, so here I go on a long part, quite technical, in which I wanted to explain in detail, with many a arguments that Belgium , it had no roots, what was no identity of the Belgians, the Belgians were born of an operetta, we are all strangers on earth, the earth itself is a alien planet, we summers created artificially in the laboratory by aliens, lots of other stuff, more policy, Chomsky, on the sails, the smoke screens to pollute the brain time available, to frighten, to sleep, nightmares to the asthenic and lull insomniacs to hide, evade, the only real practical problems that are crushing the poor by the rich, worse What also should not believe Julius Caesar when he spoke of the Vikings bravest of Gaul, Julius Caesar had been the victim of a mistake of his geo-staff cartographer, and many other things. He was sensitive to certain aspects of my argument, not to others. I prefer not specify which).

- What, if not, I understand that in fact you care for yourself, I mean, a particular problem, which is where you come from you, basically anything. But your original to you, your roots to you, I mean, your genealogical roots of Pericolosospore.
- Yes, that's normal, it makes sense, any part of my roots. There is nothing more logical. I leave myself. I leave Pericolosospore. I study Genetics also Pericolosospore.
- Finally, genetics, genetics is not is not ... Nevertheless, the genetic ?
- Yes, genes.
- No, but you confuse everything, eh, it's serious, right here, but it's not very serious, wait. We talk about the genesis there.
- Genesis? How does the genesis?
- Yes, the genesis of the name Pericolosospore.
- No, I'm not the genesis. I am not Catholic, I am an ecologist, nationalist, and Walloon.

(Here I go, too, there was quite a fairly chiadé on the genesis, biblical, unbiblical, and God in all this, but hey it was that he was an atheist. Just environmentalist-nationalist-Walloon, nothing more, nothing less. We always returned to it. Base)

- (The eye is put to glow slightly, driven by a sudden inspiration, and finding that I was a bit "clever" on edges) You've done some research on the origin of Pericolosospore?
- Oh, yes. You know everything, eh, on the internet search engines.
- Drivers?
- From Research. Internet. You do not ... Finally, you have no computer, I suppose ...
- No, not now, but it's expected.
- Well when you get a chance, you will find lots of information on the origin of Pericolosospore. Ah yes, clearly, very clearly. There's all.
- I am a Pericolosospore Waremme.
- Ah, not me.
- You are what branch of Pericolosospore?
- Ouhlà ... This is far, far trees. Side of Dinant. Only some, I insist.
- (very interested) You may know the precise origin of Pericolosospore ...
- Not ... necessarily exactly, but I know what I can tell you is that "Pericolosospore" has a precise origin of the name given to the side of geese reared in the countryside, in Lower Normandy. In the Middle Ages. The pyriscolopores.
- Geese?
- Yes, yes, Goose. Volatiles, whatever. Geese, like the bowl of the same name.
- In Normandy ... It's strange.
- In Lower Normandy, yes. But it's reality.
- I'll have to inform myself.
- Yes, that must be done, you will learn lots of things ...
- This may be an interesting idea, but there are many others.
- that, I do not say. Sure. But it is digging. You love animals, I guess. No?
- Yes, of course, I love nature, love animals. Otherwise I would not be an environmentalist. This is our community is our heritage, that is why we must preserve.
- Walloon animals, especially. No?
- Of course, since I am a Walloon. That makes sense.
- Because I care, I'm not an ecologist, at least not in the sense I guess be yours. But I love animals. Similarly, I am passionate about animals. I'm very very curious animals, all kinds of animals ... It is a fascinating, inexhaustible ... And I have a absolute respect for all forms of existing life, eh. For example, I have never, I repeat never, be it crushed an ant.
- Yes, perhaps, ants. But no, it's possible that you have crushed a lot of ants.
- Ah! Yes, against my will, you mean, without my knowledge. Yes, that's possible, unfortunately we see it, you know, there are herbs, it works ...
- Because it kills, with exhaust from cars.
- Sure. Sure. With the exhaust pipes. Yes. And bicycle wheels on the grounds of motocross. But just by speaking, already, at this very moment, you and me, engulf us in 2000 micro-organisms. Almost. Per minute . And you know, for example, attention: children playing with the wings of flies (I mime a small child who dismembered a fly).
- (also see my hands an anxious) children, flies? Oh no, that I either never.
- Ah, because attention, children are cruel, that remove the wings from flies into spiders. And then crush them against the wall. And that, I will not tolerate.
- No no, I did not remove the wings of flies.
- You're sure? Because attention, eh.

(Y was followed by a sharp debate on nuclear power, but I spend too)

- (J'lui request) You know Germain Dufour?
- No.
- Oh, I thought ... Because you like him amazingly. You have a family resemblance ..
- Not ... I do not see who it is.
- is an environmentalist.
- It is possible ... (Doubtful). This name means nothing to me.
- You're never going to church? You ...
- O-oh, no. Oh no, no no ...
- And if not, please excuse me if I ask you a personal question, you do not have to answer me, but out of curiosity . You spoke in your family, your Green Party Walloon nationalist?
- I talked with my father.
- What does he think?
- It's not so much agree ... For "environmentalist."
- And uh, sorry if I'm still prying, v ll do ... what, in life?
- I'm on the mutual.
- You're mutual, uh ... So you are unemployed, you ... Finally, like me.
- No, the only mutual.
- And before, what did you do?
- I factor.
- Factor? And what ... it didn't market?
- Four months.
- You have been a factor for four months.
- 18 years ago.
- Ah, that was long ago, then.
- Yes, finally. Not so much.
- And you are looking for another job, otherwise?
- Yes, I applied for firefighters.
- Firefighters. But Finally, the fire department. What the ... firefighters? (I mime, I do not know why a guy who waves a jalopy flying from left to right with a look of rapture idiot. He nods, almost melancholy).
- It is important fire, it is a service to the community is to help people, I am a service to people.
- Oh, but it's a very hard job, huh. And very dangerous. In case of parcel bomb is the first exposed.
- Exactly, it is to save lives. " J 've completed all the forms of selection. I expect to pass the interviews.
- (a fit of cruelty, suddenly) No, but listen, it is not serious. You no longer the age to be a firefighter, listen, you know What's an age limit for firefighters. How old are you, you, for example?
- 47 years.
- Oh no no, wait, 47 years is too old, huh. It's much too old, it never work. Then you do not seem to me in great physical shape, and finally if I may.
- Oh but I'm in great shape. Because I already walk a lot.
- Yes, walking, but hey, walking ...
But it takes strength, uh (I bomb the pectoral), there is ... muscle (I raise my fist, as in a demonstration of "working force").
- But it is expected that, I'll follow workouts.
- That's good, there should be. It is an asset. But hey, there is not a priority for you, we agree.
- No, now I'm to find members for my political party. There are many things to do, in relation to foreigners, mostly. Foreigners in Wallonia, terrorist threats ...
- Listen, I'm listening, I do not want to discuss more, you will understand, your ... project, your use of the Walloon Pericolosospore, but I want to tell you that, first, we must understand this. You should know, you see, maybe, yes, you will meet other Pericolosospore, yes, perhaps.
- Surely, surely.
- Yes, surely, finally good. Will the Pericolosospore, okay. Y aura. Sure. And sure, that you will federate Pericolosospore with your program, but I can tell you one thing. And sorry to tell you frankly, this is not to hurt you, but you'll only Pericolosospore federate, it will be of two types of very specific Pericolosospore. First, there is ... Finally, the "sick" if you want (j'fais quotes with fingers), sick of the head (I indicate my temporal area), you know, the crazies, people who have, so if you like, problems, mental health, broadly, for simplicity. First. And perhaps even likely, let me warn you, and it is for your property, the violent, brutal, and who will beat you up, you can imagine, that I think ...
- M'ouiiiii is possible, I do not know, no ... (A skeptical tone, somewhat concerned).
- If so, the violent, and you know maybe or maybe not, but you know there are many mentally ill among them, who are at home. But who could be away from home. A mental asylum. For example. Yes, otherwise Then, the second category Péricolosospore you will unite, they are Nazis, skinheads, extreme right, you know, who have more hair (I tap my head with the hand) and what have bats baseball in their closet and all that, eh.
- M'ouiii, we'll see.
- We'll see, we'll see. It's seen it all, attention. Well then, you'll ... see more Pericolosospore.
- ah yes, yes. I must gather 500 signatures.
- But are not 500 Pericolosospore. At least in the region Liège.
- No, maybe not. But I extend also to the surroundings. I'm first to Pericolosospore, because it's my roots, and after, the family, neighbors, friends ...
- As Jean-Marie Le Pen (w).
- How?
- You know Jean-Marie Le pENW?
- Yes yes, I know its name.
- Yes, Jean-Marie Le pENW is what he said: my father and my mother have more to me than my brothers and my sisters and my brothers and sisters have more than my nephews and nieces, with more than my cousins, then the uncles, aunts. My neighborhood has more for me than the opposite, and my city more than the department, and my country is more important than the country next door, etc..
- Well yes, it's natural, it makes sense.
- That makes sense if you think you're the center of the world.
- Yes, but that's normal, everyone is like that. You also think about people first who are close to you.
- The Pericolosospore?
- The Pericolosospore. It's natural, it makes sense. Everybody does the same, you'd like.
- But will it mean anything, it's not natural at all this. What ... Who ... Si .. if you have a center, then everyone leaves as its center, and then you, you are at the periphery of its center, and center vot'périphérie him, that ... it means nothing, your thing. There's more center, has more edge, there a. .. are more nothing. What. It's madness. You're a dangerous, you ...
- Not at all. I am not at all dangerous. They like that in all other countries, they think first of them, and they live them. And here, foreigners-they live among them, and they take care of them first, it makes sense. It is normal that they live at home, not here.
- But do not make policy, then stay home, very quiet, to take care of your Pericolosospore to you, if you like, and finally do you hold of yourself and let Other Péricolosospore quiet to look after their center you're not even on the outskirts huh what's that history is not like politics, politics is not wanting to organize the world from the center staff is not the way we do politics, it's not ...
- Yes, that is precisely why I'm in politics , I have explained earlier. I am an ecologist, nationalist, and Walloon. And as I base my political party, I begin by Pericolosospore. There is nothing more logical it is quite normal. This is perhaps not right for you , but for me it is quite normal. That makes sense.
- No, it is not logical. It's even completely illogical, know it. You are a fundamentalist, a fundamentalist yourself.
- Oh-oh-oh, you're wrong, I am not a fundamentalist, it is not I who am a fundamentalist, it is foreigners who want to impose their laws, and commit terrorist attacks.
- Listen to me, I told you earlier: you are mistaken in understanding yourself, who you are. Your center, not that you're a Pericolosospore Walloon, that, that means nothing. Your center is where your center? That is the question.
- My center is my roots, the country where I was born is to be Walloon.
- Ask yourself which is really your center, what is your position in society. That's the problem. The problem is you have no place in society, Walloon Walloon or not. This is the problem of all those like you, like me, have no work. They are excluded from the economic system it has nothing to do with "foreigners." You are a foreigner yourself. I am a foreigner. Even without any "foreign", in Belgium, Wallonia, you will remain excluded, you will remain outside the company. You will not go among firefighters. You do not have the qualifications for that is all. No relation with foreigners whatsoever. And you'll never make a political party, you're aware of that?
- I do not see anything that opposes it. It is a democratic right.
- The more nationalistic and more xenophobic, Wallonia or Flanders, which are already the same policy that you, with your ideas, you prevent, you will not get anywhere. You look like a militant leftist. They will send you graze Go, Oust, wind, brooms, What's it going to tell you, other Pericolosospore.
- Oh, not at all sure (grin).
- No, it's true, it is not safe. You may have a list of 30 "simpletons" that's all (j'fais quotes with fingers). Because what you're saying is cheesy, and it will attract only the simpletons. Not that you're a simpleton, do we understand, but maybe you're not alone. Maybe you are advised by people who use you. You're in touch with people? You promised that you get home if you meet the firefighters the advantage of simpletons (j'fais more quotes)?
- No, this is a personal initiative. I joined the Green party, but I left them because they represented over my ideas.
- If you want to make policy, make policy, at home, keeping very quiet at home, with logical ideas, not with ideas illogical to exclude you from yourself even more, and people who are in the same situation as you.
- is exactly why I founded a new party, environmentalist, nationalist and Walloon. The foreigners occupy the place in Wallonia. Without foreigners, there will be more unemployment in Wallonia.
- No, that's what would have you believe all those who use you, that you put these ideas in my head, because you do not understand anything about politics or the economy, but if you wish, we will not repeat this conversation to infinity ... It's late ... No, me what I recommend is to do in your family tree Pericolosospore, that's nice and it n'embête person. There are some who collect stamps, you, you study the origin of Pericolosospore, it will suffice just fine.
- Yes ... And so you're sure you do not want to join my party?
- No, yes, I am sure that there is no doubt about it, not really. It is no doubt at all not at all doubtful. It's ...
- Well, good evening sir. Thank you for your attention.
- Good evening. Take good care of you. And attention, eh, for the wings of flies.
- No no no, no no, there is no ... (Like in a careful steps away).
- Because I monitors, eh, even from afar. I see EVERYTHING (I raise a prophetic index). Good evening. Go well ... to Ware.

; ;

"Ouette of Egypt" (Christophe photographie Eyquem)


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