Monday, May 10, 2010

Program Mrqmin Fortran

Onfray or "I enjoy everywhere." 2) Addendum


... In these times of darkness where the horns and media philosophers operetta Syldavian squat without interruption the black screens of our sleepless nights, or otherwise, the essential has been said, is and will be, or almost, about the last delivery of graphopathique great follower of Aristippus of Cyrene and sycophant of apoplexy, Michel Onfray.

's work Freud, Freudian psychoanalysis postulates are questionable, dated, certainly. It's not a scoop. Schools and colleges proto-Lacanian which were forged by moving its contents on the side of linguistics and structural anthropology, and the formalization of mathematics ", can be criticized, dated. Certainly. All this is well known.

pain to see, moreover, a Mikkel Borch-Jacobsen here defend the magician of TV trays lunch, stiffening at the option years his criticism in their time roboratives (with " The Freudian subject, "then" Lacan. The Master absolute ") impoverish in dogmatic crusades also well known, synthesized for good and bad reasons, in the collective" black book of psychoanalysis.
There had been, well before the onslaught corporatist "experts" in techno-scientific behaviorism (the not quite forgotten Van Rillaer that inspired cliques gangster-circles of leather stimulus-response employee, in the scientific departments of Psychology, University of Liège and elsewhere, then Benesteau, etc.). There was the current systemic Palo Alto, far more interesting.

course, there are psychoanalysts pioncent that during sessions, and I've enjoyed, Freudian psychoanalyst but also neuro-psychiatrist, before taking my courage in both hands and finish by daring to say goodbye. But wait, I could understand, he is tired, the poor man. The story of my life and my misery overwhelmed me as myself, in the long run, so boring homework to do, and her silence worried me more when I would have preferred to keep quiet, move on, exit I walk in the woods of the court. So yes, maybe it was a good effect "placebo". Half paid by the mutual, should be specified. But basically, nothing changed to my life. I stayed with my problems and my solutions unresolved issues, and learn to live with it, chugging. I die healed, in fact, as one might say. Since a quarter of an hour before his death he had not yet told. Possibly true.

course, embark as an "analysis" in a "cure" analysis - just as "interminable" - not so much get in the task of becoming "a thinker his life "(as stated in the suave Sibony, whose admirable spiraloïdes rhapsodies and ejaculatory fingering his works tirelessly as we delighted in the eighties) encouragement is often steeped in his neuroses, maintain and incubate its problems, generate, to tie in a mapping of the intimate, like Spider , subject thereto, and enfeoffing himself s'infantiliser oneself in a voluntary servitude, under the tutelage of a master signifier and internalized.
And it's quite true what Watzlawick said: the search for the solution creates much of the problem. And that the "practice of analyzing" is similar in many respects to a form of "mental illness" consisting to take itself for its own remedy. Deleuze and was very well shown otherwise.

And of course, would qualify all this. Do not throw the baby out, still fallow with the bathwater. Freud, it's exciting. Lacan, is exciting. Quite a few Freudian, Lacanian not sore, called "orthodox" less.

Ultimately, we do not care a bit that the corporatism of orthodox Freudian-Lacanian suffer or conversely benefit (and the forum is distressing Roudinesco itself). They are anyway in agony, watched by aphasia promised a vortex that does glossolalic eventually pick up more language imitation psychosis (see point 3 below).

But Onfray Deleuze is not, nor is the Sartre of our feudal times. Onfray not benefit from his stroke editorial, which should (yeah, right, is not sure) to ridicule once and for all as oracle Multi Media asphyxiating all thought in the public space and determining the "media agenda" of topics to discuss ...

Onfray has become, over time, a major reference of the fight allegedly "secular" in Belgium for example. It prompted everywhere. Besides schools, the ethics course. It now reads like Voltaire's Onfray.

We can not hardly speak of atheism without having to stuck with aficionados of Onfray. We would have entered a new "war of religions" should choose sides. Friends of reason and free-thinking gay priests gloom and cons perverse crusaders Enlightenment liberation against the Crusaders from the darkness that threatens; feminists tonsured, and anticlerical fourestiennes against the chauvinistic violated their fundamentalist Fatima submitted under the veil oppressor; lit the balcony of the lodge against the arsonists of the terrace.

Onfray, this is not the question of the mediocrity of his thought is the problem. That is, walking, its ideological anchor became increasingly transparent (a version of "Nietzscheanism" among the most deleterious and, no joke, he is still calling for Deleuze).

Onfray has greatly benefited from the almost absolute absence of serious intellectual voice, that is to say, academically elite - as it should, in terms of its Barnum (although œdipianisées mafia and, without doubt, they are. Worse than a Scorsese or the office of the late Guy Mathot) - in the field of media, to grow its merchandising of "cons-history philosophy "meant to enhance the" small "masters overshadowed by the so-called official philosophy: one that delivers the Universities of Vatican doctrine sacrosanct decayed mummies, the jar and stirred entelechies other intangibles, excluding francs snipers, of Jonathan Livingston Seagull hovering lonely on the Sargasso Sea.
This is of course anything as vision. But it allowed to sculpt the posture that the rebel Onfray upset the established order and everything. For a very wide audience, too long to bottle and Francis Clozet Pierre Bellemare, philosophy television in France is now Onfray, the irreducible, a free spirit, a scoundrel, a rascal sacred, as Lanzmann said about the brave Zeno Ligre bis Enlightenment - as because of "cinema bis" - Robert Redeker.
is a little unorthodox music from the Salle Pleyel explain how the figures of Debussy and Ravel have obscured the genius Maurice Fleming, Charles Koechlin, and Jean-Roger Ducasse, relegating them to the rays of the Sabbaths hated evil. Or rehabilitating the cinephile cross Jesus Franco and Bruno Mattei's cacochyme Fellini and cons antonioniens overpriced festival corporatist masses.

Today we see the result.

University "popular" of Caen, on behalf of "people", but without "remugles" latrinaires mass "impotent," "hateful," "bitter" and " jealous, "we dare not imagine how altitude of rigor, and protected from any "self-indulgence," it must fly ... With its select audience of fervent devotees. Rael is not far off.

Onfray, feeling free hand, wooed by all television and radio shows, has been raving quietly assured of yes-man posture "anti-theological," pushing his little mouth with multidirectional reels now left, sometimes right, but gradually more and more one-dimensional binary: the devil and God, darkness and light, etc.. He must have his portrait hung now in all the back-room kitchens fetes houses of secularism.

It was time to look a little Onfray, cut him a nice suit, with the hobby.

Today, some philosophers called "academics" take the time to briefly answer a false demystify demystifying, debunking an idol miserable weather misery.
Why would they do their "disgust", refusing to interfere in the said public space?
Instead, it is the function of philosophy, minimally, or interfere in the field of public opinion. Especially when public opinion, which opinion and became the only authorized and audible thinking.

no mistake, Onfray cry to the police operation clerics and round-of-the leather Thought authorized official, normative, dominant, unlike the jolly leprechaun costume vitalist, a provocation postanarchist in Don Camillo talk shows. Future portrait of the author as "public enemy", the victim sacrificed on the altar of an alma mater castrating. Apostille negotiable bestseller epistolary Houellebecq-BHL.

But all this is blame the boarding Giel. And it was bothering to St. Ursula. Ripening among priests, "the great little man" sees Orgone everywhere wants to found his own school. We have seen it 50,000 times.
Like what, it's true that a "thinker" is derived from his bio-graphy, it looks as ours, that of Friends of the spelling.

So he has carved himself same.
Couvé the convent, the self-made man, "challenged" in his grove, built at the end of a sacrificial labor intensive, rich epiphanies, " hapax existential" and Conversions his small company finally allowing him to enjoy and share with the proletarians of the world the establishment of privileges: enjoy and enjoy.
Claude Vorilhon, which is not half of a con, had finely intuited, who immediately recognized as his peer, the honorary priest consecrating "in spite of himself." But a misplaced pride, thirst for respectability as well as by hatred of the mirror held by the brother-Siamese star on the verge of derailing his career in the jet-set, Onfray the snob. And with what fury atoning! Whole arsenal of flasks holy water and an exorcism anathemas seismic purifier. It was undeserved, as far as damage. They could have done folk singer Breton together. And Alan Stivell (I love) could match ...

What matters, therefore, is to remove the mask of "Nietzscheanism" of adulterated Onfray, show the truly reactionary aspect of his "thinking" poor omni-directional its production and demagogic béhachélisante in the race for the self-coronation as "philosopher-Herald these days," and whose nullity constantly insult the rigor of those he claims to seek.

For who in the state of regression massive ideological thought "French," is clearly operating divisions and socio-economic, destroyed the legacy of thinkers whom he claims to proclaim "hello" in the enjoyment of wealthy hedonistic and cynical, this prerogative of the privileged, the vulgarity of having, which is supposed to triumph over all the negativities, poverty, social conflict, such as Saint George slaying the dragon?

Who, by his omni-visibility, is distinguished by its more than active participation in ideological arrangements, under the name violated the "secularism", the "religious wars" and other issues of pseudo-identity "secular" obstructing such a superstructure mental time available brain to evade the real practical problems?

Who destroyed the issues of the philosopher that operates like a wrestling match between "powerful" and "helpless", benefiting the alienation, social deprivation, which alone makes possible the fertilization of its stem bulbar star?

Who deleting "Freud" as pruritus (6000 pages reviewed the microscope on his i-phone in a few weeks, and revealed in their true light, finally: an athlete), promises the return of a joyous paganism of cardboard that has already benefited and will benefit only those who are the legitimate beneficiaries?

What is it that this so-called "troublemaker" of gut tells us that television, like Ferry, no laughing or grinning constipated by the swelling of her love for him Similarly, the "philosophy" as qualifying private, everyone for himself, has good "responses" to eschatologies of all kinds, happiness and unhappiness, in these times of systematic dismemberment of every social and economic rights? He has only to delve into Aristippus of Cyrene, Synoch Smyrna, Deconokos of Pleintubos, Lapidaule of Halicarnassus, or Anarchadix of Dher? And secrete its resilient little gem?

Who's Butter staff operator in the most grotesque notions of "sad passions" and "joyful passions"?

Who turns the concrete issues of the philosopher of pure mental construction derealized in purely abstract games, worthy of the Jesuit seminary in padded cell?

Who is the new god of festivals "centers of action secular" (in Belgium) that unite than to grannies bagouzées chihuahuas, masseurs sixties, the enthusiasts orgastologues orgone of Wilhelm Reich, the excited shell for the two problems that most of our time urgentissimes are unveiling the emancipation of Afghan women held under the yoke of machismo and the Islamist war against the pedophile priests in parishes of the Sacred Heart?

Etc. Etc.

Onfray. And


For Onfray rolling?

For himself, see.

It is time to deflate the balloon overexposed and confit of its importance, Napoleon marketing libertarian.

In aportaââche, you name tieu.


" Onfray joined the doctrinaire anti-internet " by Philippe Cohen (17 / 4 / 2010).

Literature of urinals by Michel Onfray ( 17/04/2010):

"Years ago, the latrine is could read the graffiti on the walls where speaking any sexual misery of the world . No need for a sociology very depressed to understand what works quidam 's soul at the time of sacrificing the needs of the sphincter: it is empty, it is loose, it splashes with its animal remugles and etched his musings in the marble of a wooden door ... We have the rostra we can! Today, this function has left the public toilets, now maintained as an operating room, to join places much more commendable : comments posted at the foot of articles on the websites. This is indeed where we find the equivalent of literatures urinals yesterday ...
Internet offers all the advantages of the anonymous letter: quick, well made, hidden in the night of the pseudonym, posted on the sly with a single click, the sycophant can give free rein to his sad passions, envy, jealousy, malice, hatred, resentment, bitterness, resentment, etc. . The Cook missed destroyed the kitchen of a chef who works well ten hours a day with his team missed the musician shoot down the interpretation of a quartet that has played superbly, the writer missed giving lessons on a book he only know by its author provision of television; the typical person who dreamed actor or filmmaker will pierce the pocket of his bitterness after seeing a movie, etc..
The extension of freedoms of expression has often been on the side of badness. Certainly, the critic appointed in a newspaper is driven by the same springs, at least the extra support that will ensure his reputation and self-censorship will produce some effect in moderating (sometimes) the ardor of the famous sad passions. Also requires the signature a little. If you are not stifled by the dignity, sense of honor, righteousness, at least, we can not totally wallow in ignominy because the reader knows who is speaking and may, with minimal sociological spirit, understand what the anime is much higher: dismissal elevator, construction of a dominant position in a specific field, admission to an institution, pledges for future co-optation money, etc..
The anonymity of the Internet we can not even a little hope for a gram of moral . What good is virtue because here more than anywhere else we measure the effect of the dialectic of Sade prosperity of vice and the misfortunes of virtue?
These reflections come the train back to my campaign while I go on my iPhone an article on the excellent book of Florence Aubenas, Le Quai de Ouistreham. This is a wonderful book that takes us out of egotism and Parisian socialite of the moment, a pure text like a diamond who cares of a world literature refuses, rejects, hates, despise (the "little people" to say so in the words of the late Pierre Sansot **), a literary work that is both sociological and political without being pedantic, academic or activist, a fragment of autobiography without narcissism, a remarkable work of psychology at the French in the minds of characters of La Bruyere, a story which lifts journalism at the height of the artwork, often when we must deplore the contrary, a text which mixes the dry style of Stendhal, Zola information, speed of Celine - and a few Dwarf belch by posting their "comments"!
In essence: it criticizes Florence Aubenas illustrate the failings of the caviar left with a feint rich compassion for the poor, is accused of misleading because a journalist, she poses as a jobseeker, he lends a venal motivation stating that she earns money with the misery of others, therefore we are willing to credit the sincerity if and only if he pays his royalties to a charitable organization, is tax immorality because it takes the work of people who would really need, she is denied the right to speak simply because, true and false poor wealthy, she knows that her experience will be short and she can go home in a fashionable district of Paris ... Let there ...
Why so much hate? The answer is simple: the book is a bestseller and, last month, he was leading sales . Therefore, no need to read in order to talk, you can then save the reasonable use of reason and reasoning of the cortex, the reptilian brain enough: we have heard on the radio, seen on TV read in news interviews, it'll just make a final ruling. No investigation of the case, a simple reading, for example, but immediately the special court and the scaffold at the earliest.
The anonymous commentary on the Internet is a guillotine virtual. He did enjoy the powerless *** who rejoice that the bloodshed. Tomorrow is another day, simply watch a little television that they claim to hate but which we wallow to find a new scapegoat his own mediocrity, his emptiness, his mental misery. In a democracy, the damage is relatively contained .
In a totalitarian regime, this herd can recruit players the "appalling banality of evil" - to use full this time the words of Hannah Arendt. "

(**) Yes, but-z-Then who will take care of the literature of "little people" in the latrine, challenged, hated, despised?

(***) Conclusion: The world's misery is not economical. It is sexual. Michel Onfray has unhindered. Michel Onfray does not hide to enjoy. Because it is powerful .
And he has an "i-phone . Jealousy hate graffiti in the latrines of the university "popular" in Caen.

Because this text is more interesting than all the rest (the controversial editorial): it makes you want to "philosophize".

The guy who creates a university "popular" against elitism, representatives of the norm for non-degree, people of "little", the "hated", the "despised" (this are his own words, in which he praised the noble object of concern for a fellow socialite Parisianism the cons), anarchy, rebellion, etc., and that severe loose about urinals the net to defend its gossip (Aubenas- Günter Walraff ), who wrote a piece "pure as a diamond", "top sellers" who had the courage to put themselves in the skin for a chômiste the misery of living inside and outside the report.

She is dragging in the mud, the poor. It is treated as less than nothing. Twice, then. And the guy in the columns of censure on the World remugles of animality, the inability to enjoy fellows, poor anonymous, hate, jealousy and passion sad, the terrible banality of evil, sources of totalitarianism, etc..

That's interesting. About a certain "left" (the Val and others) who squats media, and that puts us constantly on guard against the temptation "Poujadist" the de-professionalization of elites. We know the refrain: everyone feels responsible, everyone s'intronise journalist, philosopher, nowadays, and free, to boot. So do not be surprised that the discrediting of the information professionals that the insane power of the masses of anonymous and without "an ounce of morality" we rush again one day in the bowels of the still smoking filthy beast, etc..

Yes, it's interesting to meditate a little on the relationship between this text and the last pad Onfray: latrines of the unconscious hedonism versus solar the use of Nietzsche, the true nature of his "Nietzscheanism" where are the masters, where are the slaves, where are those who "enjoy", which are "powerless", the designation of fascism and oppressors, all that .

A funny thing (well, if you will) is that we do not understand too much, So, why Onfray accuses Freud of acquaintances with "fascism" to glorify the image of "leader".
In fact, he just put his next cry of revolt with the above lines Civilization and Its Discontents: it is exactly the same thing. Except that if Freud's text can examine themselves and challenge themselves in terms of descriptive analysis, possibly "dialectic of master and slave", the prescriptive nature of the "rant" of Onfray does him, no doubt - all there, and it is a cry of "heart" naturalist -:

"... we can not dispense with the rule of the masses by a minority, because the masses are inert and devoid of discernment they do not like the instinctual renunciation can not be convinced by arguments that it is inevitable, and the individuals who compose them are mutually reinforcing, giving free rein to their disorder. Only the influence of individuals copies they recognize as their leaders, can lead to benefits of work and waivers which depends the existence of culture. "

Finally, although beyond itself, the" case "is interesting, and eminently reproducible. It tells us something about the mechanisms of thought, the cunning of reason, locking systems in the process of "liberation".

Who will challenge the "media" are a crucial place where " philosophy "is played? The neglect is the opposite camp in the "purity", the illusion that "philosophy" would have its defined territory, which ended with its own problems.

As it is also a mirror reflection "in which a significant part of the" social "and wants to be recognized, a successful model, a set design to follow and imitate, far from being merely an" epiphenomenon " media, Onfray, his life, his work, enjoin us to think about the state of the world. Or at least to a state of our society, its values, its productions, she prepares to take directions, is already taking, or found.


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