Monday, January 3, 2011

Cupcake Birthday Wording

military prison burgundy

the history of Bordeaux Jail dates back to 1875 when it was decided to build a barracks and a prison court in the old station de Segur.

Today instead of a prison can find housing and student housing, since the jail now is Bordeaux / Gradignan.

here the history of this military camp which is published on this site: prisons/la-prison-militaire-de-bordeaux-1842-1947-intra-muros-et-extra-muros-3852

"The military prison at Bordeaux from 1842 to 1926

While a first council of war headquarters in Bordeaux in the late nineteenth, wait
November 3, 1842 opens to a military prison in the town of the Gironde prefecture, as evidenced by the first prison registers kept at the Historical Service Defence . On November 10, 1875 , the War Department is acquiring the buildings of the Rue de Pessac. It This is the old station Segur, first station of Bordeaux railway line which served the bathing establishments of Arcachon, before closing for lack of profitability.

The new military prison Bordeaux, also known as the "Prison Barracks Boudet" moved shortly after and works well until the month of December 1926, date of its first dissolution (ministerial despatch No. 19 627 2 / 10 14 December 1926). The prisoners are then transferred to the civil prison in the city, at Fort du Hâ .

The question remains whether sat where the military prison from 1842 to 1877 ...

The military prison in Bordeaux from 20 to 30 June 1940

In 1940, the military prison is back. June 20, it is virtually formed and regains its former quarters of the barracks Boudet . When decline in Military prison in Paris and his visit to Bordeaux, ten death row inmates are transferred to the new commander of the military prison, Antoine Chiramonti , coming from Cherche-Midi.
June 22, four on death row, Roger Rambaud , Rambaud Marcel , Leon Lebeau and Jean Amourelle are excerpts from the prison military to be taken to Range of Verthamon , town of Pessac, where they are shot at dawn

The Permanent Military Court of the 18th Region was folded Oloron St. Mary (Basses-Pyrenees ), all litigants in this court are transferred to the Gurs camp, escorted by 25 policemen. June 30 , from Bordeaux, the convoy consists of 136 defendants under military justice, held at the Fort du Hâ of 14 "free defendants in subsistence Deposit Infantry No. 181 , which are added the 5 sentenced to death remaining detainees at the military prison of Bordeaux ( Jacques Ferré , Charles Masson , Spieth René, Raymond Verdaguer Weil and Otto . Maurice Lebeau, whose death sentence was commuted to hard labor perpetuated remains imprisoned at the Fort du Hâ).
advantage of the confusion, 9 inmates manage to escape station in Bordeaux , while five were sentenced to death released by the Germans in Orthez station.
Initially, the Kersaudy captain, Commander military prison in Paris collapsed Gurs , incorporates its actual inmates from Bordeaux.

The military prison camp in Bordeaux folded Billère
(July 25 to August 13, 1940)

In compliance with the memorandum No. 994 S / CH dated 24 July 1940 the commanding general of the 18th Region, Military Prison de Bordeaux folded camp Billère , near Pau is formed the next July 25. The administrative framework is composed of officers and NCOs Chiaramonti Antoine , lieutenant commander accounting prison, Arnaud Antonin Warrant Officer Chief Accountant, Baron Pierre , adjutant and accounting Little Henry, sergeant. The number is 130 inmates.

In 1940, camp Billère is a military camp used as a place of retreat and for the demobilization of the army units. July 19, 1940, for example, the newspaper Ouest-Eclair reported that civilian and military CFT and the COA 1e.r are folded.

The military prison at Bordeaux folded Remand Pau (August 13 - December 16, 1940)

On 13 August 1940, the military prison of Bordeaux is transferred to the Remand Pau where it occupies a wing of the building. August 17 , a passage of command takes place. Second Lieutenant Chiaramonti leaves the post, replaced by the colonel Godfrey .
August 22, the commander doctor Azema, chief doctor of the infirmary Barracks Bernadotte was appointed to ensure the health service the institution. In
August 31, the number is 153 inmates. It is 149 September 11, including a woman and a minor under the age of 18, charged with theft.

Due to the removal of permanent military court of the 18th Region (Case of 24 August), the Secretary of State for War decreed dissolution of the military prison of Bordeaux .
(DM No. 2393 C/10, 30 August 1940).

The lack of space, both in military prisons than in civilian prisons makes it difficult for the reclassification of the prison population from the military prison of Bordeaux composed of defendants and convicts, soldiers and civilians waiting to appear before a court military justice. This situation leads to the postponement of the original date of dissolution of the military prison Bordeaux to Pau folded.

October 28, a list of 21 detainees to be transferred to Clermont-Ferrand is incorporated.
On November 11, 1940 , the Secretary of State for War instructed the commander of the 17th Region (Toulouse), to "expedite the shipment on Clermont-Ferrand frames military justice, and all the defendants incarcerated in Pau ". Convicts should be directed to the prison in Pau. The next day, the Minister appoints the Chief Warrant Officer Arnaud , bookkeeper prison and entrusted the task of ensuring "the surrender of accounts of the military prison in Pau.
November 14, addressing the chief supervisor of the prison in Pau, the director of Prison Administration (Ministry of Justice) asked him to inform the Commander of Military Prison Bordeaux it "does, currently, neither the necessary staff or food, materials and objects necessary to effectively monitor and ensure the maintenance of convicts under a military jurisdiction" and that it can "receive now prevented or condemned the military, in limited places available on the express condition that a military guard will ensure order and discipline in the area reserved for this category of prisoners. The food, the supply effects of clothing, equipment maintenance and sleeping, is vested in the military. "

Finally, the 58 prisoners making up the size of the military prison of Bordeaux leaving the city of Pau: December 2, a first convoy of 18 military defendants is directed to Clermont Ferrand, December 9, a second convoy of 20 military defendants has led to the same destination; December 16, a third convoy of 20 military prisoners will be transferred to military prison Lodève . The administrative and archives are also directed at the military prison Clermont-Ferrand .

The minutes of dissolution the Military Prison of Bordeaux to Pau is finally folded prepared December 16, 1940 by Intendant County Deau in the presence of colonel Barbier .

The military prison at Bordeaux from October 10, 1944
at November 30, 1947

Prison Bordeaux military barracks found Boudet October 10, 1944 , by order No. 608 / 1 of the general commanding the 18th Region. Lt. Joseph Gitard took command of the newly formed prison. He is assisted by Warrant Officer Paul Fourcade accounting , Sergeant accounting Labraize Pierre, Sergeant-Major Paul Roque and Sergeant Cazenave Jean-Marie . The ability of the military prison is increased to 200 inmates.

The February 6, 1945, Colonel of Military Justice Thomas , made an inspection of the prison which then 203 inmates. He deplores the excessive length of pretrial detention and the conditions under which they operate, " Prisoners are a bit crowded but it is easy to release them using 22 cells arranged by the Germans in the former premises of the Military Tribunal. Custody would be made a bit more complicated but health would benefit ". He also notes that no guard is armed and regret, and finally that " prison houses inmates and are currently number 14 . It would be useful to ask the civil prison to receive these preventable because their stay in a military prison in the custody male jailers may generate trouble ".
June 7, Col. Thomas returns to this sensitive issue: "I told you reported by my report of 6 February that it was unfortunate to maintain in a military prison for female inmates. The case of Chief Warrant Officer Breakfast is not unique and other noncommissioned officers had relationships with these women , and if we are to believe some information, Lieutenant Gitard itself is not blameless either. [...] past fortnight inmates were transferred to Fort du Hâ , civil prison of Bordeaux, and today there were none left. "

The November 28, 1947, a record club premises by the War Department to the Department of Justice is prepared. It is approved by the Colonel Bonnelle and the Regional Director of Engineering, the Lieutenant Colonel Vathaire , 30 March 1948.

In the 1980s , Boudet Barracks was purchased by the Bordeaux Urban Community before being sold in June 2003 the Company Aquitanis order to to create housing and housing for students. "

source: -1947-intramural-and-extramural-3852


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