Saturday, January 8, 2011

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Both prisons Riom

The detention center Riom is housed in a former monastery, or Franciscan Cordeliers, which was founded in the thirteenth century (1270). This monastery was one of the largest religious establishments in the city. All that remains today of this building as the cloister and the chapel, rebuilt in 1490, these elements were integrated into the penitentiary in the nineteenth century. Become prison in 1820, the detention center Riom hosts an ongoing basis, serving long sentences until 1957, when the facility is closed due to obsolescence. At its reopening in 1975, the property is classified as "detention center". Closed again in 1984 for restructuring, under the status of "house plant" that is made operational in 1988 after a total renovation of the custodial portion. Since May 2003, the facility operates under the new "detention center" and accommodates 164 prisoners serving medium and long terms. Located downtown, the detention center Riom is divided into two groups of different buildings. Around the "cloister" will divide the administrative buildings and workshops and prison beyond the prison buildings. The property is located within the jurisdiction of the Court of Appeal and the Tribunal de Grande Instance (TGI) Riom, its capacity is 168 seats and it has only one light district in adult men. The chapel, the cloister, the facade is the entrance courtyard of the building said administration and the corresponding slope roof and finally the entrance hall are registered under the Historic Monuments by a decree of 25 October 1962. On the other hand, Riom also owns a house arrest. Built around 1860, it was characterized by accommodation in dormitories. It now consists of five main buildings, occupying 4 650m ² on two levels, its capacity is 122 seats reserved exclusively for adult men. (Source: Directory of Prisons )

detention center Riom ( images: directory of Prisons, photo by Remi Jouan)

Like many prisons Auvergne, Riom that played an important role in the Vichy regime, particularly during the Riom trial (19 February to April 15 1942) but also by hosting a number of political prisoners including Jean Zay and military like General De Lattre. With a book about it written by Robert Fourgous ( The long night of general , Editions Create), we can get a description of the composition of the prison in Riom

Built in 1858 in terms of Mallay, County Architect, House Arrest Riom is a huge building built in Volvic lava, situated close to the Courthouse and whose main facade in stone with its portal and its windows semicircular, opens up the Desaix facing the Pre-Mrs. It is an austere building - as is usually the prisons-with its walkway surrounded by a wall of 6 meters in height and windows securely demilune b arreaudées and masked by hoods wooden leave little glimpse of the prisoners a little corner of heaven ... The building stretches from north to south for a distance of 100 meters long and 50 meters wide. Irony of fate! It has the shape of a Cross of Lorraine in three parts. A Cross of Lorraine, in short, that would have an additional branch, which will host specifically General de Lattre. Past the entrance porch which houses, among others, Administrative Services, the Registry and housing function and after crossing a courtyard, one enters into a long vaulted aisle, very dark, a kind of tunnel that is travels by crossing guards that screen doors open and close as and when you pass in a sinister rattling noise that gives the prisoner a taste of prison life. The hallway leads to three pavilions cross each composed of a ground floor and a floor. Each floor is served by two stairways on both sides of this corridor central.Un fourth pavilion located at the end of the corridor is home to the women's prison and the chapel. (Robert Fourgous The long night of general , p17)

On January 7, 1941, Jean Zay is transferred to the Detention Center to Riom, where he obtained the status of political prisoner: he may receive visits from his family and with special permission from his friends, he can read newspapers and books. This scheme will be tightened several times, particularly in September 1943, after the escape of General de Lattre and April 1944. On 20 June 1944, three militiamen from Vichy under the authority of Maret, Cordier, and Develle Millou, chief of security at Vichy, Jean Zay come away from the prison of Riom. They are equipped with a transfer order signed by Baillet in Melun, director of the Prison, also militia, with instructions to Clémoz, chief of staff Darnand. Posing for resistance, the militia led Jean Zay, car, woods Cusset, near Vichy. They do it out of the car. One of them the baton, then Develle the blind, a burst of machine gun fire. The killers rob the body his clothes, he tore his covenant, threw him into a ravine, "the Devil's Well", they plastiquent to prevent identification. Two hunters are discovering, by chance, 22 September 1946. They are without identity remains are buried anonymously Cusset. Until 1948, when Develle was arrested and confessed his crime, no trace of Jean Zay is found, despite the research undertaken and the mystery of her disappearance continues. On 22 June 1945, the Provisional Consultative Assembly pays tribute to Jean Zay disappeared, even before his trial rehabilitation (July 5, 1945). He is quoted on the Order of the Nation April 11, 1946. (Source: )

Remand Riom

Finally, for a glimpse of daily life in the detention center in Riom, I can only refer you to this site: http://simon. . (photo report made December 6, 2005)


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